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Hey team 

- in light of recent events and to create a fairer way to join, we've decided to change the IADSS join schedule so please disregard previously scheduled dates/times.

As promised, if you wanted an opportunity to join IADSS you'll have one. Simply write a message through Patreon Inbox and let K8 know — she will give you instructions on how to proceed. This will be the most efficient way to ensure that our longtime members get a spot. Once you send a message, your patience is appreciated as it will take some time to respond individually. 

Remember that I will continue to share all of my trades, including ones I make using IADSS. 



@K8 Also sent a message re: joining IADSS, thanks!


I'm sorry, but I don't know how to send a message to K8 in Patreon. I went to messages, typed K8 and searched. I also tried @K8, but nothing came up. I'm older than 60 and feeling pretty stupid. Any help would be appreciated.


Hey Wilma, dont worry it could be a lil confusing the first time... You can write directly to James profile here on patreon... K8 help James and you'll easily reach her here. Just click on James profile, than click on the 3 dot you'll see up and to the right and then select "send a message". Hope that's usefull. Best


Thanks, sent a message to James and awaiting K8s response.


Don’t feel bad. I am also confused lol. I sent a message to James on here. I think k8 manages the messages for him.