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Things I'm a fan of:

  • Pockets. The more places I can shove my hands the better.
  • Scissors (new YouTube video plug!)
  • Scraps. Even if she ate my new $130 iPad Apple Pencil this morning.
  • Adventure Time. That show is a trip.

In case you haven't watched Adventure Time: it's a kids' cartoon. But it is probably mostly watched by grownups that want to feel like they're high without having to make the effort of actually getting high. I love it.

Years and years ago, my friend and I used to play this game where we watched an episode of Adventure Time on mute, and made our own voice tracks trying our best to guess what was going on. I found one of those files, and will save posting it for a very rainy day. And by very rainy day I mean absolutely never.

From 2014, right after I had moved to the US. Photo is relevant because 1. I look smug as fuck and wow, cool pose and 2. I'm wearing the same hat as Finn, one of the characters of the show.

The main series has unfortunately stopped airing, but when they were doing a reboot for HBO their executive producer reached out here on Patreon (hi Adam!) and asked if I wanted to do a voice for it. I yelled HOLY FUCK YES at my computer while typing something along the lines of "Thank you for your inquiry. I will need to consult my schedule and see if we can accommodate your request at this time."

At the Cartoon Network office in LA.

In the recording studio. I was actually playing two roles at the same time: a cartoon character and a regular human that doesn't want to yell every word out of excitement.

We recorded it in August, and it premieres TOMORROW on HBO Max! Or today depending on where in the world you are. I still haven't seen it. All I remember is that my character was a computer and that I sang the intro to Fraiser at some point.

I can't wait to watch it. But first I need to give my Apple Pencil a proper and dignified funeral. May you rest in finely digested pieces, dear Pencil.



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