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So I've finally decided on a name for the marvelous menace. Her name is:

Yes, after trying ten different names and getting a hundred different suggestions from you I'm back at Scraps. Sometimes you have to go around in circles to realize that you like where you started.

We are getting about half a thing done a day. My productivity feels like a tube of dried paint and no matter how hard I squeeze only a tiny bit comes out. But hopefully the video about Scraps will be ready next week.

What I'm building

The latest project in my series of Consensually Forcing Things Together That Don't Belong Together is a mashup of:

1. Scissors
2. Lamps

So the scissors are double layered and there's a hidden LED strip in between. To turn the lights on, you open the scissors, and to turn it off you just close them. 

Here's the prototype I made before I got swept up in a dog storm.

Hoping to get back at it soon, but for now I'm just a full-time puppy wrangler. Very much missing the good old days. But also pretty sure that before we know it these will be the days we're missing.

Simone and Commander Scraps


PATREON II Scraps' job interview for the position as workshop dog


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