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I haven't deleted my twitter, but I ended up uninstalling it on my phone. I still do need to keep up with twitter for however long it ends up lasting due to some Slipshine obligations, but other than that, I think I'm done with the site. Like I said before, I don't know how much having a twitter ever actually helped us and all it does is make me miserable. I've just been spending more time on Newgrounds and Pillowfort and man, it's so nice to just have sites dedicated to cool art and creations and not be surrounded by human atrocities. Not that it's not important to know about what's going on in the world, but I just don't need it all on one site, you know?

See you on Friday!




Newgrounds? Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. We're seeing Lizzie fall in love with Dakota and get body confident in real time and I'm here for that.

Marcel Dizon

I'm loving Dakota's smooth-talking gigachad arc so far


I'm personally of the opinion that Twitter for a lot of artists isn't as necessary as it might feel it is sometimes. The wild-west algorithm guessing and constant policy scares ebb and flow all the time; so it feels like it's exactly the same after years and years in terms of "discovery." If it works for some, great! But word-of-mouth always got me a lot farther than twitter ever did. Actual Comment On the Comic: aaaaaa i love them so much

Richard J. Pugh

So the conference call with Seth will need to be audio only. Check.

Opus the Poet

I was banned from Twitter when I quote tweeted TFG and said it should happen to him instead, and they suspended my account for directing violence against someone. I protested that I was just saying that if he wanted it to happen to people it should be reciprocal, but that didn't work and I got suspended in 2020.


I get daily newgrounds emails for nsfw artwork, it's pretty nice to always have hand picked smut delivered to your inbox XD


Dakota has "oh man, I'll have to fuck my bitch in public" face.


Whaaaaat? No clothes for a while? Ohhhhh nooooooooooo


Newgrounds was actually trending on Twitter 'cus people were pushing it as an alternative for people who post art on Twitter.


The real test for a nudist is when winter rolls around and you can't afford to be a snowbird.


Tell me if you get on Mastodon; I'll follow you there.