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Hey everyone! Unfortunately, no page from us today. It's been a busy week - Pickle got his neutering done and Leslie and I got our Covid booster, flu shot, AND tetanus shot all in one go. Somehow, I managed to push through it with little more than some fatigue, but Leslie got wrecked and is still pretty wrecked from it. We'll have a page up on Monday, and hopefully have some buffer on top of that. Sorry for the delay! See you all on Monday!



Oh heck. Life is hectic. Rest up and feel better soon


Man,I am feeling you. I got my tet + COVID booster within a day of each other and it KICKED. MY. ASS.


The tet shot is also just way more painful than other shots, too! God damn!


Take care 👍 And, by the way : thank you for this amazing comics 🤩

Opus the Poet

That's because it's like a low-grade tetanus infection, and tetanus hurts like the dickens.

Kam Kam

Dude, that is hardcore! Get plenty of rest, alright😁?