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Hey guys! Still gonna be a few days before we get a new Rock Cocks page up, so I figured I'd treat you patrons to some pencils. It's only gonna get steamier from here! Also, another reminder that Patreon's about to take your money! I know I kinda reminded you guys like ten days ago (didn't know when they took payments) and I know Patreon reminds you themselves, but I just wanna make sure you guys are prepared! Overdraft fees suck ass. Last thing! Figured I'd get your opinion on this. Suria mentions a song title in this page that she wants to perform at the show. "Debauchery For All". I came up with the title, but I dunno, I'm not really feeling it. So, I'm up for suggestions! Got a cool idea for a song title? Post it in the comments! If we pick it, we'll credit you on the page announcements (if you want)! Thanks again, everyone!




:D Dudes, yall are rocking on this and I can't wait to see the story progress! As far as song titles, first one that popped into my head is "Back Alley Heroes", kinda in reference to them living out of their van parked in an alley. Other ideas include "Miniskirts and Panel Vans", "Hedonistic Heresy", and "Salvation in Sin". Good luck! ^.^


I like Mary C's suggestion of Back Alley Heroes. It really would tie in well.


Back Alley Badass also works well.


Marcy C is on point! I like "Back Alley Heroes" and "Miniskirts and Panel Vans". I'll throw out there "Taste my Rock" and/or "Touch my Lust".


Maybe combine Aimee's last two suggestions; "Taste my Lust"? I'm also gonna throw "Love Train" into the mix.