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http://therockcocks.com/index.php?id=42 New page alert! Things are gettin' STEAMY. Or, uh, at least wet. Not quite NSFW, but it's getting there! Also, YOU GUYS DID IT. WE HIT THE SECOND MILESTONE. I honestly did not expect us to get this far, but I'm so glad we did! Unless we get a whole bunch of declined credit cards, starting early next month, we're hiring an assistant! Federico Iglesias, aka FreeGlass, will be doing inks for Blaster Nation. He's a good friend of ours and an amazingly talented artist, and we're glad to have him onboard. FreeGlass is incredibly hyped to a part of this, and you should be too! He'll be taking a huge load of work off Leslie, which frees up more time to work on Rock Cocks! Blaster Nation will be updating three times a week next month as a result, and Rock Cocks will be updating as much as we can manage! More comics! MORE! Go check out Freeglass before he makes his official Blaster Nation debut! You can find his stuff below: http://freeglassart.tumblr.com/ https://twitter.com/FreeGlass This will be the only Rock Cocks page this week, but that's only because we're going to get a bunch of Blaster Nation pencils done so FreeGlass can ink them! Expect WAY more Rock Cocks next month! See you in a week!


The Rock Cocks - by Leslie and Brad - Page 42


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