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Hey there, roadies, groupies, and VIPs! Leslie and I have tumbled into a conundrum. We're completely undecided on a very important issue. Bear with me here, okay? I want you to tackle this subject with as much maturity and sensitivity as we have. Suria's pubes. We can't decide if we want to add some or not. On the one hand, we like her shaven. But it makes sense to add hair, and we like that, too! Should we keep her shaven, give her a little bit of hair, or a fair amount more? We can't decide! We're pulling our hairs out in frustration! The, uh, the hair on our heads, of course. So we've come to you, the voters. Only you can determine the fate of Suria's crotch. VOTE NOW. http://strawpoll.me/3522076


Straw Poll



I chose the natural because I think it kind of follows the story a little more. When they're out on the road and not even showering regularly, naturally it would grow in. But if things go like I hope they will at the Battle of the Bands and they do upgrade their living conditions, then maybe she'll have the opportunity to clean up a little more down there. Which is just a wordy way of saying I want to see it both ways :P


I agree that natural suits the story (as it currently is) more. Anyway, we already saw her ladybits shaved in chapter one!