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I have been working on effect parameter modulation! Unfortunately it's all work-in-progress back end stuff so nothing much to show until it's actually working. I delayed thinking about effect modulation for a long time and a lot of the existing code wasn't written with it in mind, so there's a bit of restructuring to be done. I will probably stop trying to write a development log every day when I'm just doing boring stuff like this.

I also fixed a few bugs, including a big one that I found weeks ago where in really long projects the playhead would eventually just stop, due to the way the song position was being calculated.

And I also added the ability to insert new lanes from the track context menu, where previously it was only possible to append them at the end. I partly did this because I had the idea of having dual-purpose context menu items and I wanted to test out how it feels. In the video you can see me holding down CTRL to switch the "Add Lane" item to "Insert Lane". I have not seen this done in an application before and I'm not sure if there's a good reason for that. It seems okay to me. Blockhead is already extremely hotkey heavy and if you want to work quickly with it then there is a little bit of memorization to do.


2020 09 11 19 10 57


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