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Thanks everyone for your continued support, if there’s ever anything you’d like to see do let me know!

Here’s the caption text:

He sat upright in his bed clutching his favourite teddy bear, the sheets thrown back to show the large wet puddle he’d left on the sheets.

His legs were spread apart out of fear for leaking anymore and his eyes had the look of embarrassment, those puppy dog kind of eyes with little tears beginning to form.

“Don’t get upset Buddy, it’s daddy’s fault for not making sure you were properly protected! Naughty Daddy! All these diapers we’ve got on display here in your nursery and daddy didn’t think to put just one extra layer on.”

“Why don’t we strip you out of those wet clothes and into a nice warm squeaky clean bath, then daddy can put you in a fresh diaper and you can watch cartoons or play while Daddy washes your sheets, how does that sound matey?”

“Good boy, Daddy’s sorry”



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