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I’ve realised that the picture quality may not be so high for this, I’ll see what I can do about that in the future!!

Here’s the caption text:

The older experienced nurse was talking the younger nurse through the process of dealing with such an unruly patient.

“We put his hands in these firm tight mittens. Making sure that his hands can’t grab anything they’re not supposed to and then just to make sure his arms don’t fly around dangerously while we try and change him, we strap his arms down to the bed too!”

“Best to make sure his legs are secure too just in case he should try and get up out of bed or kick out at us.”

“They’re all the same; they all like big hard scary alpha men until suddenly they need their messy diapers changing! Then they’re pretty submissive and happy to do whatever you like just to be changed as quickly and easily as possibly!”



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