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I hope everyone had/is having fine holidays! Figured now would be a good time for announcements since holidays are calming down on my end.

Firstly, a reminder that my feedback form is still available! I very much appreciate all of the feedback I've gotten thus far, and it has gotten some gears turning. I have no new questions that I felt I should add, but still feel free to make use of it if you haven't already!

Secondly! I am planning on opening commissions this Wednesday! The google form is complete, and I updated all the commission info images with the new pricing. I will only be taking 5 commissions for this opening with a maximum of 2 figures, but I will hopefully be able to open them a lot more often with these smaller workload batches.

I'm looking forward to hitting the ground running in 2023, and I'm feeling good about things. Thanks to everyone for your support!


