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Popping in to let ya’ll know a bit of Commission Planning I’ve made.

Firstly, the current plan is to take commissions by way of Google Forms (Form is still in progress). The form itself will have all my commission information so that it’ll be (hopefully) easy to find AND see before actually sending in what one may want.

Secondly, I plan to only take a handful at a time (roughly five), so i dont have 30+ waiting on me like last time, resulting in a year and a half wait time cuz life decided to be mean to me.

Thirdly, Prices WILL be going up, and I will be limiting the MAX figure limit to 2. Rent is expensive and i may have medical costs coming my way, so i gotta start making sure my coffers are properly tended to during 2023.
Here are the current price changes: (Not finalized, but I feel good about them)

Busts: $15 (up from 10)
Waist up: $30 (up from 20)
Full Body: $45 (up from 30)

YCHs: $20 (up from 15) for most. 3a would be $25
Extras: No price change, though the higher end for what i’d charge for backgrounds will go up to $30 (up from a max of $20)

There is still no ETA on the opening, but i do want to have the form done by later this month. I know some people have been waiting on me, and i appreciate their patience!


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