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Hey y'all. Some of you may receive error 200 where it says you must pledge atleast $4 to get access.

This is a Patreon API bug. If you are a $4+ patron, please keep trying until it works.

This issue seems intermittent, I'm hoping they get it resolved soon.

If you have tried atleast 10 times and it is still not working, message me.




I imagine that this is just an issue of CDNs not having up to date info. 200 is a success status code, but is sometimes sent back to indicate that the request didn't fail but was unable to process the request for some reason. It should fix itself in due time


I override the status code for this reason. It's actually a 401 from Patreon. If it returned a 401, customers would think it's their fault why it's not working. There were others complaining about this problem in the Patreon discord so it's not just us.


Reload the Patreon page