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With Queen's Brothel, I decided to make a female-protagonist game. It's different than the more popular male-protagonist dating sims where you run around and find girls to have sex with.

One problem I run into with Queen's Brothel is that I have to find a situation to put the girls in where they have sex for their benefit. Compared to a male-protagonist game, where sex is the end-goal.

Assuming most of y'all like female-protagonist, considering you support QB, what do you like to see in female-protagonist stories? Do you like it when the girls actively go out to look for sex? Do you like it when NPCs are horny and want to have sex with your main character?

Would appreciate any comments or DMs explaining what you like to see in female-protagonist games.



I think it would be cool to write a female character pursuing sex in the exact same way a male character would. You don't see that too often


Both are good for me. The only problem I ever have with Female Protag is when every scene is locked behind purposely losing battles and making stupid decisions.


Hahah same those losing screens are so dumb because it promotes losing