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Hey pals!

Here's the first two hours of the Deus Ex video. The final thing is looking to be about 3:15:00, making it The Longest Video I Will Ever Do (for real this time). There's been some rewriting / moving around, so this isn't just the previous draft with another hour and 15 minutes. I'd say there's roughly 90 minutes of new material in here.

In a few hours, I have to be on a plane to visit family for Christmas, and while I'm bringing a copy of all the video files with me, there's always a risk something didn't copy properly, or I lose my luggage, or I drop the drive in a sewer out of sheer incompetence (Not a joke: One time in 2017 I slipped while getting in my chair and my finger hit the 'delete' and 'enter' keys at once, and almost lost all the shots on an SD Card). So just in case I ruin everything and can't get the video done while I'm away, I thought it would be better that something was up for you now.

This was meant to be up a bit earlier, but Adobe Premiere has started to melt. It would render the video and report no errors, but the file would break if you tried to seek past the hour mark, or the video would be 2 kilobytes. Multiple attempts to render produced a broken video without Premiere saying why. In the end I rendered it in chunks and attached them using a different program, and it seems to work. I'm cutting it pretty fine so if there's a new problem with the video I missed I'm really sorry and I'll get on it as soon as I land!

I really hope everyone's doing OK this Christmas. It's been a hard year for everyone. Your support has literally kept me alive, and I don't think there's a way of being thankful enough for that.

- Harry




Richard Earley

"The Longest Video I Will Ever Do." Teeheehee.


Much love hbomb, your hard work is inspirational. Have a fantastic Christmas 💜


The next one is gonna be four hours I’m calling it now


Thanks for everything! I hope you have a good holiday season and hope we all have a better year next year!


i feel your pain for adobe programs deciding not to work ahah. hope you have a great xmas and look forward to the rest of this video :D


Mary War on Christmas Hbomb, thank you for the early present!

Cooper Lewis

Definitely your longest, eh? Well I look forward to your 4-hour video on Morrowind :)


Hbomb aiming for Tim Rogers' spot for new Long Speaker-About-Videogames Good Boy

Yoav Fine

Thank you, have a good trip!


Brilliant! Safe travels and take some days off!


Thank you so much for this! We love you too hbomb - sending you all the support this Christmas ❤️


Merry Christmas Hbomb! Unless you plan on splitting the prequels video into several uploads, somehow I doubt this will be the longest lmao


The Longest Video [HBomb] Will Ever Do press x to doubt


Harry, you're the best. Thank you for this post. I hope you have a great christmas and you and your family stay healthy and have a great holiday season.


thank you so much. even if its not the final version i just love watching yr content during the holidays somehow it always gets me in the jolly mood so something new is something fun yay


The FIRST 2 hours?? So excited brother this rules

Kae Hanrott

Safe travel and hope you have a good Christmas! Your videos have given me much needed dopamine this year, which I'm really grateful for. Please don't stress out if you actually take a break for the holidays. (please take a break - it's OK.) You're allowed to ignore the capitalist shouting in your brain. We all need to stop listening to the capitalist in our brains 24/7. Take a break. We've got your back.


can't wait to watch! im sure the next video will come with the tag [full audiobook] hahaha


Thanks for the early holiday gift. Hope you and everyone that reads this has a lovely and safe holiday season.


Even though I love this game, I'm looking forward to watching this!


(´ ಠ ◡ ಠ) ... 3:15:00

Connla Lyons

looking forward to the 3 hour epic. but to be fair I watch company of heroes 2 tournament finals that are that long so i'm fine with 3 hour long deep dives


3hrs. Hell yeah. Whitelight still takes the cake with his 7hr review of Death Stranding. Though I thinks more of a review over a playthrough.

Jacob Freedman

Genuinely above and beyond. Thank you so much and have a good holiday 😊

Adam Greene

Loving it so far, obviously. BUT.... If they do put Gex in Kingdom Hearts, it's because you spoke this evil into the world, and thus manifested it.


Great stuff, 1 small note that I think you'd appreciate before setting the video off into the world: around the 11:30 mark you use the word 'kn*ckered'. This word is actually derived from a slur used against Irish travellers. Similar to 'Gy*sy' against Roma people. I would reccomend removing that word from the review. Really enjoying the review so far though!


Thanks for the content and have a happy holiday!


Good luck in keeping your future videos shorter ;) To be honest, I don't mind very long videos, I'm more worried about you overworking yourself.


Wowie ! Also happy holidays 🎄


We appreciate you Harry. Happy Holidays to you and yours as well.


Yeah definitely for real this time 😏


I choked reading "2 hours" and realizing that was not the whole video. Happy holidays and thank you for your work!


I hope you dont forget to put in the Fallout Hacking Footage at 1:16:30


This is the best Christmas since the last Christmas video ;-;


Oh god. I actually laughed out loud at the stupid Praxis joke. I am ashamed, and I'm admitting it here as penance.

Marc-Olivier Goyette

Some really cool stuff yet again man! Can't wait to see the additional, uh, *hour* more there's to add to this video before it's finished, but what's there is great even by itself. Also - no idea if you check your DMs here (or can't/won't because of volume) but if you want I can contact people like Dugas and get them to then contact you! Would be neat if you could get their insights directly for this.


So um... Hey. Regarding Gex? That might be happening. First you predict COVID with your pathologic video, now you might have predicted a Gex remake/reboot with this one. And yes I believe those two things to be of equal significance. https://gamerant.com/square-enix-gex-trademark/


Really enjoyed it!


Fantastic to see so much progress on this ambitious project since your last update, thanks for getting it out before your trip. Happy holidays!


you got gex'd, hbomb!


The word "knackered"—meaning "worn out, broken, inoperative"—is derived from from the phrase "ready for the knacker's yard", derived in turn from "knacker"—“one who slaughters and (especially) renders worn-out livestock (especially horses) and sells their flesh, bones and hides” (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/knacker%27s_yard#English). While you are correct that "knacker" can be used as an offensive term for Irish Travellers or Roma, I contend that that's clearly not the etymology of "knackered" and also clearly not what's intended. But, then again, I am not Irish, Travelling or otherwise, nor Roma, so I will now butt back out.


Alpha Protocol might be worth comparing on some of these points. Perhaps most trivially because it's actually possible in that game to buy a sufficient number of tranq rounds to knock out every enemy. More importantly, darn near every choice has some sort of consequence—different dialog from NPCs, more or less security guarding objectives, easier or tougher boss fights, etc.


A proper amount of time to cover half of the games in the series. Happy Holidays, Harry


Thank you Harry. I played every looking glass game and loved Thief Dark Project to death. Always looked for the ultimate emersive sim experience. I too saw the short comings of the new Deus Ex but accepted it as the new culture of video games. But having the experience of reminiscing about these times is great and I have to thank you for this christmas present. I too wish you happy holidays and relaxing times with your family. I will see you in 2022 wit other batshit crazy stuff.

Kristian Gregory

Liking a lot so far, you're helping me piece together why Deus Ex was so engaging to me, and how games that appear similar aren't working for me. Also seems to have a lot of overlap with tips for engaging DnD play, which is interesting. I understand the stream of consciousness that leads to such comments, but worry that the reveal at 1:47:00ish about Lapicus' pronounciation of scarcity reads as joking ABOUT their pronunciation of English?


FALLOUT HACKING MINIGAME should remain as is. This is my opinion and also a fact.


Hacking minigames are probably the main reason I stopped playing HR when I did. I was an impatient little gamer boy and they scared me away with what was effectively a chore in disguise


Merry Christmas hbomb, make sure to get some rest over the holidays! I have to ask, did you alter the bit where you explained what immersive sims are? I left a minor criticism of it on your 45 minute preview, and this time through I felt like it was much more clearly explained but I can't precisely remember if it's actually different or if maybe my criticism was just due to bad processing on my part.


By the time I've watched the first preview, this preview, and then the final video, I'll have watched six hours of it! Which is just about the right amount of time for one of your videos.


Absolutely tremendous. When I heard you were making a HR video, I was nervous because I wanted an original DX video more, but this is clearly a love letter to it, and the contrast with another GOOD game just illustrates how GREAT DX1 was. Love your work, can't wait to see the rest, but please take a break over the holidays - everyone deserves a mental break and the ability to disconnect. You don't owe us this video before the end of the year.


BTW, the earlier 45 minutes you posted had a section about DX2 Invisible War. Did you cut it for narrative reasons? Probably a good call. I do wish there was a video about the entire series (especially interesting to talk about how Mankind Divided fixed a few of the issues from Human Revolution), but i don't see what else you could cut from this, and 3 hours is already umm a lot. So good cut, I think?


inb4 "deus gex" In all seriousness this is proving to be a masterwork of the highest order. Can't wait for the full final! Travel safe and well


Now I have the “your boggle” scene from Demolition Man stuck in my head


"Everybody's dead Dave" made my year


First rough cut: Hm there's definitely room for improvement but this is gonna be a good one This one: Wow this fucks [dopamine]


Just got to the bit about deciding to do the 100% Dead Cops run Laughing too hard


Gex remake is real

Wesley Jones

Quick question about hacking mini games: What do you think of 9S' hacking sequences in Nier Automata?


Look forward to watching the final cut :D Re: your lost Resident Evil 4 footage. Sophie from Mars recently played thru RE4 and i remember her selling everything to the vendor to purchase an RPG, leading to a very satisfying easy boss kill. You could ask them if they'd be happy for you to use their footage to fill in for the one you lost.


It's great so far, can't wait to see it finished! Have a safe trip! Merry Christmas


Love it superhard and I've seen it three times already. The only thing I felt that was a bit too brief is why the boss fights were such an issue. I mean, I know from having played it, but a slightly deeper dive into the mechanics of the boss fights might have been illuminating for those not in the know. Also 100% agree about Kermode (the reviewer, not the bears).


Write out the full "Hell Proven Real" article, you coward. Don't just use Lorem Ipsum.


I noticed you look away when Isias shoots himself in that one mission, but earlier there is no censoring when the hacker shoots himself. In the hacker scene the camera isn't focused on the actual point of impact but there's still a long take of the hacker's dead bleeding face. The scenes are presented differently in the game, but you may want to consider affording the same visual treatment to both suicide scenes in your review.


I have no negative criticism for this video. I just wanted to share that I laughed my butt off, particularly at the scenes of goofing around during gameplay while the narration was relatively serious. :D


Please put back the jokes about greasels and Boris Johnson please and thank you


You took out the Invisible War bit (my fav part of the first 45) so when you mention later that this is a prequel it's a bit like, "wait this is a prequel? not just another story in approximately the same world?" maybe thats just cause im focusing on what's not there


i really like it! id love a video on dishonored in the future.


“No seriously, Travel back in time, call GameStop—“ and what? and what??? [bends head towards the heavens in frustrated agony] AND WHAAAAAT???????


A little note: you say "when I said DXHR sounds like the first few ideas of a brainstorming session, this is what I mean", I don't think you actually said that in the beginning? Or I don't remember, but it did strike me as a new concept when you "repeated" it for emphasis. Other than that, amazing!


The segment about why big studios like making sequels was quite valuable and I think it should be added back in.


Your work is a joy, I love the game criticism that isn’t actually about games so much


i was crying laughing at the cop bit, jesus what a way with words


Harry, you keep doing it again and again! It is so fascinating to see the first 20 min you posted get even better!?!? Your editing is so good, it makes your videos so rewatchable, i’m yet to get tired even from your oldest works! I hope you manage to rest these days and take care of yourself! There’s a lot of people out here that care about you!


Hi Hbomb! Gave it a watch through and compiled some of my thoughts. Great video as usual, it's really coming together! I skipped a bunch of feedback here about the jokes, suffice to say they landed well...extended cut of "robot arms" where you stare into the camera uninterrupted for 20 minutes when? Section 1: Something that might play well into your "you get playing immediately" point about DX1 is that it's suggested there are different forces at work (and that you might need to question which you agree with) right from the beginning - Paul tells you your orders are to be non-lethal and to stun the NSF; Alex tells you your orders are to shoot on sight and wipe them out. Twenty seconds into your playthrough and you're being given conflicting points of view! Section 3: Love the parts about Cutscene Jensen and player agency (especially the bomb gag). I'd genuinely never considered these angles of the game before! Section 3: The Maggie Chow sequence for me was slightly spoiled by the way the subtitles work. "MAJESTIC 12 SOLDIER: Coughs" is a hell of a way for that story beat to miss. Section 3: On the Isaias stuff - any notes on the CASIE upgrade? Considering there are multiple random paths for every dialogue "battle", requiring you to actually pay attention rather than always picking dialogue X, getting a "win-the-puzzle-o-matic" seems...brute-forced? Could tie into the wider point about how they wanted to make a game with choice consequences but chickened out and gave you all the answers at the last second. Section 4: If you hack every single console, find every book, explore everything, and take everyone down non-lethally in the first mission (i.e. farm every point possible), you actually CAN get the CASIE system before the Zeke encounter - you just barely clip the 5000 needed on top of the point they give you for free. It doesn't actually do anything besides give you flavour text for Zeke (for the reasons you explained), so the main point still stands, but it is possible! Section 4: The best part about the hacking minigame is you CAN skip the horrible, meaningless hacking game...IF YOU PREORDERED! You get a gadget that does it for you instantly! ...to be fair you do use one in the video so maybe that's not relevant Thanks for getting this up for Christmas, hope you're having a fantastic holiday!

willow H

"is it just me or is bioshock 2 the best one by a wide margin" never have i felt so vindicated ive been saying this for almost 10 years now


Hey bharryguy, love the video. I just wanted to point out two things i super duper liked! 1) I loved when it transitioned to your face the audio was the same. most videos have a weird disparity between voiceovers and camera audio. 2) I know your mirror segment is a bonus video, but perhaps the cover of DXHR, with all its broken glass, is saying something about that?? I dunno just something I noticed.


Really enjoying the video! I don't know if you actually see feedback, but a minor editing thing (if you haven't already noticed) was the lack of sound on the title cards? Just something I thought was done fantastically on the New Vegas video, and helps smooth transitions (and which you've probably already fixed seeing as this is a draft video anyways so nevermind, good job!)


Love the current abrupt end of the draft! To second Jordan, the lack of sound on title cards. I primarily listen to your videos and really noticed their abscence on this current draft. Hope you have a good Christmas!


never subscribed to any patreon but this one, never comented too, but, happy ̶c̶h̶r̶i̶s̶ hollidays hbomb and community :)


The stuff you moved felt really seamless.


wow, this is already such a great video, i can't wait to see it when it's finished! one suggestion to make the gamer bros big mad: show female commander shepard instead of the default male shepard ;) happy new year!

Dragon Cobolt

You refer to the TOS Von Braun as a "space station" when it's actually a space ship...but you could also just say that all space stations are just space ships because they actually do need engines to keep their orbits stable (it's called station keeping!)


great video so far. the lack of acknowledgment of the character's fit at 32:26 is making me go insane, though. genuinely looks like a pewdiepie shirt and dont even get my started on the hat

Vitamin H Productions

Sorry to be pedantic, but I'm pretty sure Id Software's also based in Texas. I'm not sure if they'd really count as "big" though?


Is that high pitched screaming used in this and the NV video from Daniel Stern? Always makes me think of him, but maybe that’s not an uncommon scream 🤷‍♂️


Dope, looking forward to watching the whole thing. Reminds me, recently watched your QA video where you talk about making a sort of response video to Noah Caldwell-Gervais' Bloodlines video. Is that still on the table? Sounded like a great video idea.


that "setting the pillars" slide with the importance arrow putting "social" as least important HURTS me


I dont want to spoiler myself with the video, which games do I need to play in the Series to be up to date with the video?


We love you <3


Harry, you're a ray of light through an overcast sky. I'll wait as long as I can, assured of no ill returns.


Always looking forward to these videos and wanted to note that you're the first person I've decided to support on Patreon. I realized how much I love your videos this last Christmas as I realized it's become an annual tradition to re-watch all your videos, this time starting from The War on Christmas. While others may be watching "It's a Wonderful Life" or "A Christmas Story," I'm binging HBomb's YouTube Collection.

The Doom Merchant

[catching up on watching a bunch of patreon-exclusive videos i've missed over the last few months across misc. creators lol] MAN, I was so Into It™ that I forgot this was a preview and thought my internet had gone out when you cut off in the middle your joke at the end. Really looking forward to the full video when you're ready to release it. True story about the old "every time you mention Deus Ex someone reinstalls it" gag, though; not even five minutes into this video, I thought, "man, when I'm done replaying Morrowind [which I'm replaying atm], I should replay Deus Ex..." And I'm gonna!


I get why you removed the clip of Denton burning that random dude, but it was the funniest beat in the last version.


I love hacking in Deus Ex, but I love it more on Vampire. It's like, if you know how the character's computer you are hacking ticks, you could find also the answer by yourself.


I humbly request that we get the kazoo cover of the main theme at some point. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNVo3VqjL0Q


Hey I know its late but of you knew références in 3d at this time in Montréal I could be helpfull. Im a software engineering candidate and my dad is a pioneer in 3d animation in quebec at this time.


The delivery of "Adam gets knackered by some bastards" still gets me every time.


I feel like your Prager U diatribes have primed me to notice hand-drawn un-labelled graphs, so the one of "immersive sims over time" feels like I missed a joke. 😛

Gabriella Sands

I hope the ‘rocket launchers on the train/is this game good? I don’t know, but it sure is the MOST’ jokes make it back in, those were my favorite from the first draft.


I'm so excited I think I might watch this again