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Hey folks! Thanks for being so cool while we got the Vaccines video tidied up and ready to go.

Here's a video looking back at the second (proper) video I made for my channel, and my life at the time I made it. This one gets a bit ramble-y but I hope it's interesting!

An update on the $10 backer polls is coming asap, I'm just figuring some things out.

Thanks again for all your support!

- Harry


[BONUS CONTENT] Sarkeesian Effect: In Crisis Retrospective




I just wanted to tell you that for the longest time this was my favourite video od yours. I love the "police ruled it a suicide cuz of all ur trash" joke. Your sense of humour is so amazing. I soured on it a little knowing you don't like it much but I still like it.


I remember this was the video where I realized whassisname skull boy was from my home town and I was both saddened and unsurprised and so so happy you were taking the piss out of him. I do appreciate that you notice that your satire and mockery could have been a more effective tool if you were clearer about the critique. I still think this video is incredible though.

Dan M

Philip DeFranco started his career showing sexy girls in every video and being 'edgy' towards those that arguably deserved it, but harassing people you don't like doesn't really make you the better person. Your recent Plagiarism and Oof videos were brilliant takedowns that never felt like you were belittling other people, you were attacking the things they produced instead. It landed significantly better with me.

Dan M

"I'm curious if anyone would want to see..." If you produced it, probably yes. You bring a level of off-beat professionalism that resonates well with your audience.


"I think people want me to make more than 1 video every six months..."


i was a femfreq fan before gg happened and we made goal before it went viral. it was only like 6k. i hope i'm not being petty/pedantic but it annoys me when people frame anita/femfreq purely within gg. it was a fun youtube channel and i really love her work. i cannot express how validating and cathartic it was at the time to see someone saying what i tried and tried to say to my shitty gamer "friends" in high school and college. being a "female" gamer in the 2000s was absolute fucking hell. femfreq said what people like me were saying but without getting shouted down by threats of violent assault and death (often by people in your irl community that were supposed to be your friends. the culture was so unbelievably, openly misogynistic. i really hope things have changed for young people in this sense). that's why she pissed so many people off. but she HAD our money before gg made her go viral. anyway idk if anyone will read this, maybe i should fuck off and make a comic about it. <3


God, imagine being one of the people who lived and died before Hbomb started his YouTube channel...what did they even do with their lives?


Slowly transitioning into a horror channel with that intro


this is great so far. i've been wondering, because i'm unreasonably nerdy for stuff like this, what camera did you start out using and what are you using now? also what lenses?


(i know gear doesn't matter mostly but i still hyperfixate on this stuff lol)


I would actually really enjoy watching a measured response video on the entire thing! I love watching your stuff and i find the way you go really in depth into things like... interesting and entertaining.


Maybe he should do a crossover episode with Dan Olson/Foldable Human!


It's a great feeling to see yourself grow, but I also think your older videos aren't nearly as bad as you make them out to be. Sure there's always improvements, but I think it's also okay to let yourself be proud of what you've accomplished! I also agree that there's more interesting and worthwhile topics out there to cover than a dead project from people who may want to leave it in the past


I think a retrospective on it would be interesting because I kind of see gamergate as the first big mainstream movements of the alt-right. So looking at this documentary as part of an important historical event would be really cool because I feel like gamergate has kind of been a bit forgotten by time, like it’s buried at the bottom of an avalanche of shit. Even just looking at how the video game industry and culture changed because of it is really fascinating, but that’s a bit big for one video.


I’d hella watch a measured response on the sarkeesian effect. Gamergate’s influence on the altright is an interesting subject as a whole that I think should be discussed more.


By the way, I don't know if you will mention it in the video, but Jordan Owen actually made a few months ago an apology video to Anita Sarkeesian


I would watch the ferk out of it, but I like all of your content :)


I would love to see a video on how this story unfolded, but only if it is a video you are excited to make :)


I assume it was just cut for time..? But what happened to the Climate Change flashback segment you showed in the January tour? :)

Crissa Kentavr

Vaccine episode reminded me to sub you. Please do more of what you think is right ^-^


Thank you for this fascinating insight into your background. (And you did frame that shot well-- and I've passed that video along to friends calling it a documentary before, so you're definitely not alone in your assessment.) Also, in my workplace we literally had a diplomatic incident when someone called them the Falkland Islands on social media without also calling them the Islas Malvinas, so I heard you say that and was like oh nooooooooooooooooooooooo. I'm so glad that part of this video is just going to an audience of your fans. :D


Is young Harris with hair- A) Baby Harry or B) Hairy Baby


You're doing it again... you're being self-deprecating! One of my many favourite moments from your videos is: LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT VIDEO GAME FEMINISM! It's the delivery man! It cracks me up every single time!


Missed the opportunity to call this The Sarkeesian Effect: In Crisis is garbage and here's why. But seriously I'd watch a video essay on the whole events but I can why you wouldn't want to do that


Is that the Death is Certain shirt from Mega64?


That’s what I was telling him!! The video is way better than he gives it credit for.


I feel like making a review for these movies would be nice as long as you kept the scope very limited. Maybe use it as a quick video in case you are making another video that is taking two years to make or use it in case you want to do a small thing for a patrons.


Nut picking was always the bread and butter of the right during this period. Signal boosting Sarkeesian was the only way they could turn her into the villain they needed. The majority of people saw her videos and either didn't know/care about video games or saw the obvious problems whilst seeing the true parts and thinking "Well....yeah." I wanna see a new Sarkeesian thing. I mean, I'm old and remember that period. But......come on. We're talking about Aurini. That dude will never not be hilarious. Fair play about Owen though. But....meh. If you think you have something to say. I'm gonna watch whatever you do regardless :)


Very enjoyable and insightful! My only comment is I felt a bit uncomfortable at calling toys or props or whatever immature. I think the world is dark enough as it is, and if we can find some comfort or solace in random silly things which we like aesthetically or whatever, I don't see anything wrong with that. Of course, I understand it was probably more about the attitude towards such objects in people like Aurini and what it represents within the archetype of the neckbeard or whatever, but yeah, it did feel a little shame-y framed as it was. Also, 50 minutes of content for a 9 minute video is absolutely amazing and I love you for it. Oh, and as an Argentine, the bit about the Falklands was very funny, even though I had the joke ruined :P


I think I speak for a lot of people that kind of missed gamergate, but can see how it's shaped online discourse immeasurably, I'd love to see that video and it might be more relevant than you give it credit for. Plus, as long as it's handled right and people like Owen are given a fair cop, that element could give the story something of an uplifting end. It's always reassuring to see rehabilitation from the far right. Either way whatever you put out will continue to be gold I'm sure.

Alopex The Wanderer

I don't think you did anything wrong by making a more mocking video with little in depth analysis. Davis is such a ridiculous twerp, not to mention a racist, that treating him with to much respect might be worse than just being rude to him. I think about this often, when is it justified to become monstrous yourself when confronting monsters? Folks like Wakefield do deserve serious deconstruction but the whole thing about Davis was that he wasn't a serious person.


Almost makes me want to start a YouTube channel and pull out my drawing reference skull. Ya know, in nostalgia for Ye Olde Farr Ryte YouTubes. Emphasis on almost. Speaking of nostalgia, in 2000-04 I also rented a tiny room in a rich woman's house in London. My knee cap still has a dent from hitting the bed edge trying to get a draw open.


if you make an updated video about the Sarkeesian effect, I'll watch it, but I'll watch just about any video you make, lol


would love to see a measured response to the sarkeesian effect, if you'd be excited to do one. genuinely just enjoy your content, including the old videos and I don't agree on all your criticism about it. I kinda love the straight dunking on them. I've been a political activist for a few years and seeing right wing people, conservatives etc. saying horrible thing and not feeling like I could do something about their policies made me feel really powerless. And just seeing someone making fun of people like that really feels healing and soothing to me. When everything political gets too much for me, I go back to these videos to make me feel lighter again. But I totally see your point that it could've been more, I just don't think it needed to be.


I'd actually like to see that Sarkeesian Effect video! I didn't actually learn about it until 2018 when I saw this video in my recommended. Although the screenshots painted a pretty good picture of what happened, it would be nice to give it the same treatment the vaccine video got where you explored the ideas of the people involved and how the movement (from the looks of it) died out over time. Also, I've always liked the fact that this video and others weren't censored. With so much discourse focused on debunking and parsing peoples tweets for their actual point, its really jarring to watch someone be that plain and crass about their beliefs while trying to build an image for themselves. It really puts it all in perspective.


I’d love a video on the Sarkeesian Effect but through the lens of Jordan Owen’s growth as a person. Like a retrospective on him and the Internet then and how he’s changed to the person he is now.

Kae Hanrott

I'm sorry we're all bullying you into having more self esteem! But I bet many of us have had the shit job for less money than our hours spent and skills used were worth, and I have definitely had the rented room in a way posher area that I couldn't even enjoy because I was working too much, and in my free time I achieved *nothing*. So any video made under the circumstances would have been impressive in my book. And that video was funny, and continued to mock self important bigots. (I mean, I genuinely enjoy watching you rewatch your old stuff and talk about how your process has changed. I just spent also spent the whole video thinking, you worked 12 hour shifts and had no living space and you still made stuff, that's not nothing.)


Yes thank you, you say it better than I ever could but I did feel that too, like I used to watch a YouTuber that dresses up as a knight, and seriously trains with a sword and the guy is both awesome and nice. I do get the point that HBG is making there, but clinging to the things that you like REGARDLESS of whether people find them childish is something that I can respect, even in a f****ing idiot like him.


as someone who shaves her own undercut definitely recommend getting a handmirror that has like a long handle for the back of your head if you dont already have one. i also really felt your story about the shitty job. i had that moment before i went to university- i was gonna work in the hotel industry. i remember following you after i saw the sherlock video on tumblr and then watched a lot of your videos back. i always liked them! i know i saw this one multiple times so it was definitely funny enough to me! i’m glad it all worked out for the better for you. i also have some old creations on the internet where its tempting to delete them because the quality feels so much worse than what you are used to now but i’ve always found it just nice to see where i started. glad to see you have that now too! looking forward to the next videos, take care of yourself


I think the jokes in the old video land just fine. Like the "lord have mercy, let's not forget the jews" cracks me up every time. You say you should have had a point to make, but i disagree. Davis' racist rants are so absurd that giving them a thoughtful counter-argument is giving him too much credit, when the correct reaction is the one you already had, mockery. When I saw your video for the first time, I had no idea who these people were, but I never felt like I was missing any context. A more in-depth explanation would've actually made me feel like i _should_ have known who they were.


Really loved seeing you do another restrospective! Looking forward to more of them in the future. I think I was recommended this video and actually saw it way before your first one. It was only when I was going back to re-watch your back catalogue later that I realized I'd never seen the first one. As for a measured response vid, I'm really torn because I would personally like to watch it, but I think you have valid reasons why it might not be a good idea. Perhaps you could do a version of it for your patrons? Although idk if you want to put that much effort into something that not that many people will see, esp as you have other projects for the channel going on


Alternate Title: Hbomb is kinda good, and here's why. Keep it up, you make whatever video you want next. You already know that I'm going to watch it regardless.


Nice one mate, and props for watching the whole thing. It's always painfully cringy looking back on old work, but maybe it's been so long that it transcends cringiness.


I have swords, and I'm 28. I think maybe it's only cringy to have swords if you're cishet? Sword lesbians are highly sought after. Idk, swords are cool, and I don't really think it Gauche for Aurini to have one. Trenchcoat and skull? Definitely gauche. Also the bigotry is pretty fucking cringe, tbh. But sword good


If you made a review of the films now, I'd absolutely watch that. I'm excited even at the idea, honestly. I don't think it's NECESSARY by any means, but I think it'd be fascinating, especially considering how much you've developed as a creator since those initial videos.


Honestly the only reason I can of to do this would be if you could get Jordan Owen to help you on it, and if he wants to move on, I say let him. Any underlying political points to be scored by reviewing it can be gotten more efficiently from more recent projects, or just waiting to see how terrible GB News will be and talking about why.


I would be interested to see the full Measured Response to the Effect movies, but that would mean we wouldn't get the analysis of the Star Wars prequels :)


I’d rather see that night in the woods vid, but it would good to do a video on the “documentary” as kind of a weird sense of closure.


To the self-deprecation thing. Totally agree it shouldn't overshadow your self-worth or the effort you obviously put into stuff. I appreciate though when it's the playfully scrappy "stuff falls apart and is unpolished, but we're moving on, despite the stress!" type of self-deprecating jokeyness. You're excellent at those jokes. They read as nice subtle expressions of joy, hope and determination, in face of limited resources.


I honestly feel you are too hard on yourself here. Like specifically about being too mean to Davis. I honestly feel you are a bit too nice to them in the original video because I don't think Davis deserved to be analyzed like what he said was worthwhile. I think humiliating fascists is the best way to deal with them.


I feel like the topic is probably too old to revisit (although would be a fun watch I should say) but I think it would be really uplifting to see you and Jordan Owen collaborate on something new (maybe a conversational approach?) with some small fraction of the time dedicated to your reactions to the old video.


I would definitely watch your measured response of the movie, I'd watch anything you'd put out though. It was genuinely cool to see you watch and respond to your old video!


It's actually good to hear that Jordan Owen has moved on with his life and is trying to make good. I wonder a lot about some of the tamer ones of the gg/Skeptic crew, though apparently even some of the once-bigger names have wound it back and realized they were being assholes. I guess we'll always have TheGoldenOne. I don't think I'd personally be interested in an examination of the film just because, as you said, it's been done and there's not a lot to say that hasn't been said by dozens of gamergate response pieces over the years. I am curious, though, since you brought it up -- have you considered putting bleeped versions of these up instead? I seem to remember you lost some of your files at some point, so it might just be too much of a headache, but it's crossed my mind once or twice for the same reasons you bring up in this retrospective.


In addition, though I definitely get the "I was trying to bottle lightning twice" feeling you have here, I do agree with the others that it's better than you think. There's a lot of very funny jokes in there -- my favorite among them the Mickey Mouse voice and rainbow-flashing "FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARS" I think you ought to take some heart from Natalie's Cringe video where she talks about the initial values of lolcow-milking. I don't think you went overboard at all. Sometimes laughing at people is the best response to them, because you're letting their views speak to themselves and they are Fucking Absurd. And I think the fact that you pivoted from this kind of content proves you didn't take it to a hurtful or harassing level. Hell, the very fact that you show so much sympathy for Owen here proves that you know the value of this kind of content in *limited* doses.


i would love to see a response on the movie! i understand a desire to cover weightier topics, and the work you've done in those areas is amazing. but as much as i love the vaccines video, i think a channel of nothing but videos like that would be emotionally exhausting to follow. the breaks in "serious" content to focus on stuff that personally feels interesting to you is really a big part of the charm of this channel (the transformers video is still one of my all time favorites).


The discussion you have about making overly rude jokes because these were initially videos for your friends is very fascinating to me - it’s like the flip side of parasocial relationships, where the creator is assuming everyone watching is their friend and will get their jokes. Thanks for the retrospective!




I would enjoy a response to those videos but your reasoning on not doing makes sense,


I feel like a couple of the jokes you're afraid didn't land, like the fake quote from the screen play book and the "car bought with patreon money" joke, definitely did land. Like I got both those jokes back when I first watched the video, and I had absolutely zero context. I had deliberately steered so clear of the gamer gate stuff I didn't even know who Anita was, let alone Jordan or Aurini. Also it kinda sounds like you weren't an "IT engineer" but were, in fact, in tech support. But then again, "engineer" is not a protected title, so I guess dodgy companies can call their exploitative tech support positions whatever they want to lure in young people who don't know any better. In any case I'm happy you got out of it unharmed! Like a couple of the other comments said, I think you're being to hard on yourself here -- given the work and living conditions you're describing, anything creative produced under those circumstances is impressive, and you managed to make something genuinely funny. I still think the ending in car with the juice and the dubbed in music is hilarious and I have watched this video many times since I first discovered it.


I agree swords are cool! Trenchcoats and skulls can be cool too, if you're not being a pretentious dick about it, which aurini definitely is.

Justin Chaillet

I would understand you not wanting to do a measured response on it, especially since it does feel like its so much in the past. I almost feel like they don't deserve any more attention than you have already given them, but for me personally I would find it very interesting getting a conclusive view on everything that went down. Who knows, maybe that could be extrapolated to something bigger picture?


I think that focusing on those documentaries would probably seem a bit like a waste of time. However after you mentioned Jordan Owen is trying to improve, I popped over to his YouTube channel and noticed a very well done apology he made to Anita. Perhaps if you were to revisit the topic, it might be good to highlight the positivity in someone realizing they saw the error of their ways and turned themselves around. We often think these people have no hope, but it might be good for some to see there is. All hail the sperm lord.


This is SOBEK approved content.


Would it be worth doing as a director's view? Like your ones on director's cut and VHS tapes? A kind of retrospective on the structure of behind the scene drama on it, and on other troubled productions?


Instead of doing a response video, you could live stream watch it and turn it into bit-city like a screening of the Room or Rocky Horror? Create a bingo card of things that could happen and make it a game.


I’m glad to find out Jordan Owen is making an effort to do better. A depressing amount of people don’t even do that. Saying that though, what a surprising background reveal!


It's funny cause I basically noticed none of this stuff lol.


I'd like to see a definitive review of the Sarkessian effect. Definitely. That would be great.


I'd love to see a full review of the Sarkeesian Effect!


I think a more mature hbomb video in the Measured Response format would be great. Not sure there would be a viral interest but I can imagine it would be genuinely informative. Going viral isn’t as important as filling the internet with genuine commentary IMO. The latter is in short supply.

Nowhere Girl

"I hope people do still like it" I do! it's actually one of your videos I find myself watching the most, because for me (and I assume other people) part of your channel is that I think the way you do comedy is funny, and after rewatching a moving 2 hour vid about a video game I'll never play, it always makes me laugh to just relax and watch you make a bunch of silly jokes


I literally bounced off this video at the time for a lot of the reasons you gave here


To your point about this video lacking substantive analysis — I think that a jokey, light video dunking on gamergate shitheads was what the discourse called for at the time. Idk how much “substance” you could have gleaned from “shady Kickstarter film made by racists to harass a woman is indeed bad.” I think the most important work you do here is pointing out and laughing at how cringe and inept these guys were, because mainstream media around this time sensationalized the alt right into this ominous shadowy cabal of like... nazi super hackers or something. Simply making fun of how shitty and childish they were was fine given the context.


Love to see your reflection on this, I actually just rewatched this last night because I’ve been getting my roommate into your videos and I was curious how you would feel about it today ! If you wanted to do a Sarkeesian Effect: Measured Response, I would only be disappointed in it was just a regurgitation or update/dunk on the story. But I think an in-depth video where you go over the whole story and critique it while also updating us on Jordan Owen and doing an honest reflection of your work, you could turn it into a really earnest work that actually looks at the long term effects of that. Maybe even make it a collab with Dan ?


I often re-play your videos in the background when I work. Even though I can recognize you've gotten much better, I've never thought of it in terms of 'you used to be worse'. I wonder if this is what a mother feels like watching old recordings of their child's school play. Their child keeps insisting they're much better at acting now, and more mature, but that can't stop her. It felt wholesome watching you try to be kind to yourself this time around. It made me want to try it on myself. I think it was a solid point saying that certain people involved have made real efforts to become better people. Even if you were to highlight that in a remake video, it's still digging up old sins. The philosophical internet question of: when do we let people be? I don't know. I don't really know how much damage these people caused or how much they've worked to make things right. I'm not one of their victims. Sometimes we let things like this go, not out of forgiveness or because it is right, but because there is no longer a purpose in holding on. At the very least, I think maybe some sort of commentary in the original video description. Not too unlike what you said in this video but, you know, shorter.


i think your instinct is right re: not making a review because Jordan Owen is now genuinly trying to improve as a person. as funny as the review could potentially be, it would carry the possibility of tearing down whatever positive thigg he’s been able to build for hinself since then


Really enjoy these retrospectives! Thank you for putting it together.


So first no I don't think you need to make any review of Owen's work. Next I want to say one thing I think is important to consider is at the time you made these videos I believe they were absolutely needed. Many people were analyzing the ridiculous garbage these people were making and saying. But no one was really seeing that because Gamer Gate was a massive shitstorm and a lot of it was straight up ignored. I think what made these videos so important at the time was that in their own way they made a lot of people feel like their viewpoint was not only valid but others had it too. Many of the Anti-SJW crowd had taken up so much space online that in some places it was hard to see much. Just pointing out their sheer incompetence in a funny take away gag style in my view allowed a lot of people to not just see how goofy these people were and hurt their reputation, but it really opened the flood gates for many people to get in on a lot of viewpoints and literature and movements they hadn't. Hell I read the Communist Manifesto for the first time after I saw your first and second videos. I know various others who have similar stories. I get the need for improvement and I do think your content only improved as it went on for sure. However I think your older videos were exactly what they needed to be at the right time.

Jeffrey Theobald

I also want to say that this video was needed in the kind of mean way. For me, at the time, I was miserable at how awful the whole gamergate thing was and how awful people were everywhere, and then you pointed out how stupid and awful they were. It honestly let me breathe.


I'm glad there are people in the world who like to practice swordplay, even if you will never end up in a swordfight in real life. We do need people to take an interest because Bob Anderson is dead, and if no one else takes an interest all movie swordfights will look like they were directed by Davis Aurini. Also - please make the Star Wars Prequel video you promised us. Don't worry about these jokers.

Stephen Gillie

Congrats on growing up past being a "sword guy". (If swords are the Otaku equivalent of guns, why don't more "gun guys" grow out of their habit? Or do we just not hear about that?) Would love to see Shadiversity beat down Dave Aurini in a swordfight duel.


Thanks for making this video, it’s been really awesome to hear about your own journey. As someone who has worked semi-shitty IT jobs before, while feeling like your true interests lie elsewhere but all hope is lost, I really felt this. It was also really interesting to hear your reflections on this video as I JUST finished Natalie’s “Cringe” video that references you a little. I’m starting to create a little content (trying to rethink the lived experience of WWII history through primary sources from the time and just after the war instead of “greatest generation” myths), and your retrospectives have definitely influenced the way I look at my own work and how I monitor my own behavior online (e.g. instead of sinking to the level of trolls who are being assholes/who are reinforcing disproven (often neo-Nazi-esque) maths, I, either just delete their comments or respond with sources. Sorry for the long ramble, it’s late in the US, I just finished a long work week, and my MA is due in like… a week and a half. Anyways, cheers, and thanks for yet another wonderful distraction!


I love this old video! Your "rude" and non-analytical videos are what turned me around from Gamergate and the skeptic community. I still watch them and laugh and I don't think you needed to change it much. It was also and important stepping stone for the channel. Its nice to see your journey and what you think about these old vids.


I think for me, I would have liked an analytical take on these kinds of GamerGate chuds, but at the same time I think I needed just a cathartic and hilarious dunk. I liked your super early Retsupurae-type stuff too so sometimes I think you can give a video subject and thier ideas too much credit. That said, your Cultural Marxism video probably balences analysis and this kind of video a bit better. Great retrospective series so far; I learned a lot.


I love that you were so rude back then, I think those people deserved it and I am glad, that you aren't anymore! I also like the argument contrapoints make that the way your critique of the Alt-Right works ist through exploring the cringe aspect of this people's critique of other people.


Honestly, a video excavating The Sarkeesian Effect and how it all went down PLUS an excavation of how the guys progressed individually would be interesting- and honestly a story of someone getting, to some extent, basically "de-pilled" would be interesting. Sometimes it gets really fucking depressing when it seems like people's lives just vanish into the dark hole of right-wing hysteria and never ever emerge, the occasional story of emergence and maybe redemption would be pretty heartening- but I'm almost certainly being WILDLY optimistic about what you mean when you said he's "doing better and wants to make amends."

Your Resident Homestuck Guy, Gumba Masta

So glad that that video set you on that path... even if it distracted you from becoming the Homesteak reader you were always ment to be.


(Apologies for no paragraphs, it appears that shift + enter does not in fact work, I'm guessing because I'm on my phone.) [New para] Is a review of both the Sarkeesian Effect films necessary? No. Would I enjoy it? Very much so, particularly if you were comparing and contrasting them. [New para] I can understand Jordan Owen's having moved on and the moment having passed both making you reluctant, and I agree that it might feel inappropriate if you put it out publicly as simply a review of the two films. But I think it would work if you either (a) made it just for patrons, and made it about using the films as "how not to" examples to discuss filmmaking technique, so the primary focus was on teaching us how to make a good film rather than on pointing and laughing (although that would be a secondary element), and you mentioned at the beginning how Jordan Owen had moved on, so as to provide context, or (b) you put it out publicly but the reviews were only one aspect, and you also compared Owen's and Aurini's subsequent trajectories, and talked about how Gamergate evolved into the Alt Right etc. [New para] With regard to the approach of the original video, I think Contrapoints is right in her Cringe video. There is definitely a place for well-reasoned rebuttals, but there were already plenty of those and they just weren't getting through to the Gamergaters because they weren't listening and because they just rejected anything that contradicted their worldview. Mockery actually did jolt some of them into seeing Aurini and Owen, and by extension the whole movement, differently, so it changed minds and deradicalised people where the analytical approach would have failed. (It was also cathartic for those already on the same page as you.) I wish someone'd do the same for TERFs - we could really do with that, and there's enough absurdity on their part out there.


I like that the camera keeps focusing on your right ear. :)

Deep Myth

I love that you shared your learning process. Quite educational for me as I learn to make vids. Thx! But I agree with the others here that your first vids were a perfect tonic for 2015 - 2016. (Also that your inner critic over does it.. Unnecessary self deprecation)


I always shit on my own work, and think it's subpar to the point where it keeps me from actually ever posting any of it or anything, and just rip it to shreds before anyone else can. You, my friend(?) are truly talented though and highly entertaining. I discovered your videos 6 months ago, right after a really awful breakup and just needed something funny and witty and human in my life. And while some dude on youtube critically engaging random video games and conservative pundits might not be the healthiest thing for me to dive into, it sure has felt great. I just wanted to thank you for being a truly awesome individual and for bringing me some really great laughs when I needed them most. I'll stop rambling now, but from one soyboy to another, thank you. (And try not to be too hard on yourself)

David Rodríguez Madriñán

This is a bit out of place, and happened to me at random watching this video and the previous retrospective. Many years ago the manageable psoriasis that had barely made a change in my life developed (probably from college stress) into both covering my head and limbs in scabs and making it so I needed crutches to walk. This made me drop out and it sort of kickstarted/accelerated the hair loss that I would face, so at 22 I turned into a complete wreck, lost all self steem and dropped out of college. I spent a long time covering my head out of shame, gaining weight and looking for a treatment, that I did end up finding (until i die, 4 hours at the hospital every 2 months lol) and so my skin went sort of back to normal and I could move like before again. But I had gained weight, lost most of my hair and felt miserable, pretty much still do a little bit, even tho at least I'm now a game developer as I wanted trying to get a job. All this nonsensical fluff I write because there is something in shaving my head that I had not realized (I did it myself out of not wanting other people to deal with my head) and it's that it felt lonely and kind of shameful. I have no idea why, but the intro to these videos talking about shaving your balding head and your mistakes that I myself also made gave me a really nice feeling about myself that I haven't had in a while. This could've happen with anyone, and you know, the videos are still great, I liked the latest ones so much that I subbed to your patreon to binge the bonuses even tho I doubt my lack of income will let me stay for long. But it happened randomly today. And the (admittedly kinda creepy sometimes...) people commenting about you looking good and attractive like this also helped alleviate some of the fears and insecurities that built up over now 9 years. Anyway, after barfing my life story into a comments section, a very normal thing to do, I will just say thanks for the natural way in which you produce this, it makes a difference.


About the renting out one room thing! I lived in a place like that when I first moved out, but it wasn't a rich person's house, the lady was actually unemployed so she was renting out her kids' old rooms for some extra money. Don't feel too bad for her though, because when I moved out she decided she wanted 2 months more rent (more than the Dutch law requires AND i had agreed upon when I moved in), and then she technically took me hostage. It was a very impulsive move though, so once she had successfully locked me in a particular part of the flat she didn't actually have a plan, so I managed to get out (unfortunately with the help of the police, but it was crucial I didn't physically hurt her or damage anything in case we had to go to court), and haven't seen her since. I kinda lost my point, but I think it was just "yeah, those one room listings suck!"


I would love to see a video dunking on these people, but I think a video of how gamergate people have changed in the modern era would be really interesting actually. I’d give you a view (realistically probably a few views).


I've been rewatching your earliest videos lately, and wondered about your opinions on them now. I'd love to see an update haha.


I still love those old videos, but man would I love an up-to-date review and Measured Response that takes into account the things that have changed and shifted over time. I would never wanna just "let it die" since archival is incredibly important to me personally, but that's one of those things that differs from person to person.


Just wanted to say that the Falkland's/Maldives independence thing is more complicated than it seems in 2013 99.8% of islanders voted to remain subject of the British crown and historically the question of 'what country is this island part of' was usually a front for either British or Argentinian nationalism (which came to a head in the 1982 falkland/maldives war) PS Ik there are alot of more improtant things in the video regarding late-stage capitalism and this is a nitpicky comment that propably nobody will read but I just wanted to but it out there that the islanders don't consider themselves Argentinian and don't want to be part of Argentina


The secret to getting your head shaved evenly is to shave it down to the skin with a razor after you use the clippers. Then, if it grows in wonky, it's just your dumb scalp's fault, not bad clipper technique.

Lottie Lynn

....IS Jordan Owen devoted to getting better? His recent videos are still super transphobic and repeating conservative talking points. I guess any improvement would still be improvement, if he stopped yelling at women over video games.


“I will never make a video that takes *that* much effort again” at 1:53 really highlights how hard the Tommy Tallarico rabbit hole hit him.