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Hey folks!

Work on the next two videos (a long-form analysis of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and the first in the Star Wars Prequel Analysis series, oh boy) is proceeding in earnest, and I have a bonus video coming up soon as well.

The main reason I wanted to make this post was to mention the grants program we just announced over on twitter here.

Basically, I’ve always run my channel without worrying too much whether my videos are suitable for ad revenue. The value of running a Patreon has always been that I can cover contentious topics without having to worry if the inscrutable policies of YouTube’s ad system allow me to survive. However, surprisingly, the last few videos have monetized successfully, and this has resulted in money I had no intention of actually getting. I hit the ‘monetise this’ button for a joke to see the funny explanations YouTube gives me along with its ‘no’. I never expected a too-long video about the War on Christmas or the Anti-Vaccine movement to come back with a ‘yes’.

Ultimately, I want to be accountable to my patrons, and no-one else. I am uncomfortable with keeping money made from ad revenue - I really don’t like the idea of getting ‘used’ to ads as a source of income. It’s a potential negative influence on what content I make, or how I approach making things. So instead, I’ve decided to give it to someone else.

Over the past few months, myself, my producer Kat, and Angie Wang, USC Roski Illustration professor and co-founder of CALA, an independent LA comics festival, have put together The Brainmind Residency, a virtual residency programme for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ creators in comics, illustration, animation, & video games.

The current plan is to find 5 emerging artists and give each of them a mini-grant of $2,000, along with a residency for regular feedback, project management, and mentorship from a group of industry professionals, towards a project to be completed in 3 months. We’re currently accepting applications on the site!

This residency shouldn’t have too much of an effect on the channel or the Patreon. Angie and Kat are running most of the program and we’re paying experienced mentors to work directly with residents, so it doesn’t cut too much into my time writing and researching videos, and the residency is being run purely from the last year’s ad revenue. I just wanted to make sure I updated you on what we’re up to, but mainly, I wanted to bring it up so I could say thank you.

In 2016 when I started getting freelance editing jobs, on videos which now have millions of views, some of which didn't even credit me, the pay was not very good. I’m sure this is common knowledge, but when you’re starting out in a creative field, there’s a lot of people who will exploit your need for survival by paying you far less than you’re worth for something they will profit from far more. It’s very hard for smaller, newer creators to get noticed or have the time to work on their own projects when plenty of outlets thrive on being able to take advantage of their desperation. And if you’re from a less privileged background, things are even harder.

The last few years of my life have been amazing and shocking in ways I could never have imagined or predicted. I didn’t seriously expect anyone to enjoy my work or support me the way they have, so I live a life of more or less constant surprise. I want to pay it forward, in ways like this, while I have the chance.

Realising I was in a place where I could say no to a form of income, purely because of your support, and be able to put it toward something like this, was probably the single happiest moment of my life. I’ll say it again, but it’ll never be enough: Thank you.

- Harry


Tim-Tam Toe-Jam

Star Wars? Is this still happening??


hell yeah dude, cant wait for the next videos <3


That is incredible of you. Happy to see that money going to helping others.


Amazing idea!


That is awesome to hear. Major kudos for you integrity, and I'm excited to see that money go to people that could really use it. Happy to be a patron. <3


I'm glad you found a good purpose for the unexpected ad money ❤️ Keep up the good work!


This is brilliant. What an awesome way to practice what you preach on this channel. You're a mensch, Mr. Bomberguy.

Malachi B Casad

Love to hear more people talking about Star Wars these days, especially when the prequels are brought up (since I kinda grew up with them, and always preferred them over the original trilogy). Keep up the good work!

Cooper Lewis

This is beautiful Harry, thanks for being such a stand-up guy.

Josh Burcham

Loved you on the Infinite review!


No problem boss glad I could help


Ily dude, this is such a nice thing to do


What à fucking king


That's awesome!! I'm proud to be a supporter of someone who tries so hard to support others! Happy to hear of your happiness!


There is nobody on this platform I respect as much as you.


Absolute king shit. What a fucking move ❤❤❤


Wow, this is such a great step! Thank you for paying it forward to others and giving them a hand up.


Why are you the best though


I love this.


Awesome concept and way to think about using your ad revenue on YouTube - looking forward to see who the awardees are!


Lovely work Harry! much love!


Proud to be your patron x


Can’t wait for prequel takes and how Phantom Menace is actually the best one of them.


this owns; thank you


And here I thought it was enough just knowing my few meager dollars kept you rolling in filthy soy products. Yer a good one, Harry


Masses of respect Mr Bombdude Esquire


Really looking forward to the DXHR video. It's a game I have violently mixed feelings about.


yay yay! shared immediately with my social mediums! i hope y'all get exactly the right number of amazing applicants! serving on a scholarship committee these past few years, i've learned there's a sweet spot - enough to give support to lots of applicants, though not so many that there isn't enough support for all of the deserving applicants - i hope y'all hit it! such a wonderful way to move some youtube $$$ to more heroes whose creative labor actually makes all those $$$ that youtube & twitch & steam mostly put in the pockets of #RacistSexistAbleistCapitalistTechBros


This is fantastic!! Congratulations!!!


This is wonderful, Harry. Many thanks to you, Kat, Angie, and everyone working to make this happen. It's honestly encouraging, too. I've noticed I lose quite a bit of time bit by bit to intrusive thoughts of anxiety and despair regarding the present and the future of vulnerable, exploited people and the planet as a whole, and stuff like this, like genuine kindness and integrity, is uplifting. Thank you for using your platform and resources to help people.


You’re a good guy Harris ❤️ Thanks for giving back and making the world better!


That’s awesome, keep up the good work!


This is incredible, Harris. Thank YOU for being the sort of creator who lives his principles and makes me proud to support your work. This sort of thing is why I will remain your patron so long as I can afford to.


Fantastic! :D


This kind of integrity and genuine care, which you have always demonstrated since I've known about you, is why i will never second guess being a patron. You are a truly amazing person Harris and we love you.

Yoav Fine

Wow this made my morning!

Kae Hanrott

Thanks Tom, for putting into words exactly what I wanted to say!


Reading this made me so happy. Thank you for being such an ally to the poc community :) Made this qtipoc super glad that there are still lovely people in the world


Love you


Your discomfort with keeping the ad revenue is a nice reassurance of your integrity. I can only hope this isn't a calculated move to attract/retain patrons like myself.


I recently learned that having monetization on makes videos show up in the watch next side bar of youtube. Demonetized videos don't get recommended to people, so it's good to have it on.


This is awesome. I wish I could apply for the tabletop project I'm working on. I'm also excited for the upcoming videos. But where is the SERIOUS LORE ANALYSIS for Sonic The Hedgehog 2? I need it.


This is fucking badass. What a cool fucking idea. Very proud to be a patreon supporter.

Rachel Anne

Sure, NOW you’re giving away money. But where were you when “The Sarkeesian Effect” was fundraising? Nowhere to be seen, that’s right. So unfair.

Gary Watts

This is amazing. I don't know what to say other than you seem a decent human being, and were I to see you in a bar I would want to buy you a drink.


Holy crap it’s happening!


you're a good egg, hbomb. way to actually walk the walk :)


Mate, what a great way of giving back. Wholesome and meaningful. Just keep doing what you're doing Harry. Inspirational. Roll on the Prequels defence.


A prequel video? Damn! HBomberGuy v Mr Plinkett's Reviews!


And now I upgraded my tier. You are great and I am glad I can support you! Cheers!

Jaye Martindell

Dude. That’s an awesome place to be in! Happy to be some small part of it; you really seem to have your head in the right place, and I love your takes and content <3


If someone knows where to find a copy of Harry's playthroughs of Untitled Goose Game and Dusk I would be eternally grateful. Those videos were my jam, and seeing them disappear was sad.


I have been contemplating on using your videos in my classroom (HS Science teacher...yeah...pray for me or something like that) mostly when I don't feel like teaching. So, anyone who complains your videos are "too long", I say they are the PERFECT AMOUNT for someone like me, who uses you to teach my class for me! SO THANK YOU!!!! Anywho, just wanted to say I'm new to your Patreon (YEE) and I love your work and am super excited for your next videos! ONWARDS TO FUEL MY INSOMNIA!!! Ok I'm done writing this essay kthxbai!


I'm so happy for you. I hope everything is going well


Been ages since an update, I hope you're doing okay.


Hi, uh, here's money. Cuz I realized I spent more than 10 hours watching your stuff and you deserve more than negative dollars per hour for providing content.


I heard there would be a patron-only video soon!