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Hey pals,

I've spent the past couple of weeks monitoring the reactions to the RWBY video, doing research and writing for various videos (including the dreaded prequel project), and editing together this piece of the RWBY analysis, which I had cut out in the editing process.

Originally I wanted to talk about Trigun, and use it as an example of how character design can be used to inform us about a character instead of just abstractly 'looking cool'. I even brought this up in the very early draft of this video I gave up on way back in 2014. By the time the video was looking to be 2 and a half hours long, I started looking for things to cut, and I realised that I had written an interesting segment, but one which felt increasingly out of place in such a long piece with plenty enough asides already.

I think this is a really good example of a 'kill your darlings' moment for me. RWBY and Trigun are linked in my brain as good and bad executions of similar ideas, and talking about one without the other felt wrong in the scripting process. But then, when trying to formulate an engaging video that makes a cohesive argument, it became something that ought to be cut, even if I was personally really attached to the comparison. At the very least, the points were interesting enough that they were worth sharing, even if they didn't contribute as well to an overall argument as the stuff that I decided to leave in instead. I think it's very easy to put work into something and then leave it in a video because otherwise you wasted the effort, but making something really work means being willing to accept when something shouldn't be there, even if you really like the idea.

Also, please find enclosed a bunch of the art I commissioned for the RWBY video from First Recon Lylith (@1st_Recon_Lyl) and Cube Watermelon (@cubewatermelon). You'll notice several of the images were references to shots from the opening of Trigun, a reference which is now infinitely harder to 'get' because I'd cut the Trigun part out, lol. I've also put up Tantacrul's amazing Opening Theme for the video. For those of you who don't know, Tantacrul is a great music youtuber who I tricked into making music for me. He made a video about this whole process you can check out here!

Tomorrow I'm putting up the poll for $10 patrons for what the next full video should be. I'm still working on the Monty video, but I think I should put out something else first. I think I'm in danger of becoming 'the RWBY guy' if I stick to talking about this for several videos in a row. Talking about cartoons is fun and can be meaningful in its own way but I feel a pressing need to talk about something a little more valuable in the present moment. If there's a video you really want to see sooner rather than later, let me know in the comments here and I'll keep them in mind!

Thanks, once again, for everything.

- H.

EDIT: I've replaced the intro song with an mp3 version instead of a .aif that not everyone can use (I forget that music players don't all just play everything now)


RWBY Bonus Trigun



(am i very late to this? very yes, but i only subbed to the patreon a few days ago so give me a lil break) as someone who recently rewatched the old 90s trigun (with the intent to move from that into watching the new trigun stampede show but uh, that part still hasn't happened), seeing and hearing even five minutes of you delving into what makes the 90s trigun so fantastic - starting with the juxtaposition of Cool Anime Shooty Opener Guy versus the utter dork that vash turns out to be - is absolutely Delightful. someday, i would love to see a longer video essay going deeper into it. but then, i also just really like hearing you talk about things at length, hence why i'm here, so no pressure. :)


You are not alone in this, as I too am new to the Patreon and have experienced the joy of discovering this little Hbomb/trigun snippet. Would second anything trigun related but also no pressure


I'll join this late party. And I brought, the new Trigun Stampede! Thoughts? For me, I didn't like it at first but that third episode, holy cow.


Trigun..... 😍, k it's on the list for tonight.


Thank you for being you, Harris.


I really appreciate the bonus content, and the in-depth analysis <3


Goddammit now I have to watch Trigun. You already forced me to watch the entirety of Soul Eater. Stop.


Keep it up. Love your content.


I could really get behind a trigun analysis. ❤️


Given the Trigun imagery in the intro, I was really surprised that it never came up in the video proper, but I guess I should have figured it ended up on the cutting room floor. It was a very insightful clip, and brief look into your editing process was interesting too!


Honestly I really need a "Trigun is awesome and here's why" video.


I've seen a lot of comments, mostly on Twitter after that "ok" retweet the other day, from people that imply a much different approach to patreon than I have. Saw a lot of people disappointed by the topic and content of the RWBY video, and speaking in a bit of an entitled way that they feel they've got an input creatively because they donate on Patreon. Just wanted to say where you might actually see it that I view Patreon as far more akin to.. well, being a patron to someone, as opposed a channel I've bought into ownership of. I give you money because I like seeing whatever it is you like creating and you like speaking about this month(s). I don't think you should feel pressured to change your posting schedule or topics to suit what anyone else thinks, though perhaps I'm in a minority there. I say this as someone who couldn't care less about RWBY or any anime at all and will likely never watch that video again - I'm still happy to have paid for it, because I love hearing your insights on media and about interests you have even when they don't directly align with mine. Very excited to see your next work, and my vote is "whichever video most sparks your inspiration to make."


Probably gonna watch Trigun and see if it holds up, it's been awhile.


Some great observations there! Also time to rewatch Trigun! Love & Peace!

Patrick Harris

Hey, as someone who watched and enjoyed the RWBY video the night it dropped *and* is excited for this bonus content: what if you released the videos in smaller chunks? Lindsay Elis' Transformers series comes to mind. This is good for you because you don't have to edit such crazy long videos and you can release regularly, and it's good for people who mostly don't have time to sit down and watch all of that at once. Just a thought. You do you. My wife and I have watched your entire archive at least three times, so we're just happy to have *more*. :)


If you're up for it, I think a lot of folks would love to hear your take on NITW. If not though literally anything is cool!


A video I really want to see: I think you've been talking about doing a Bloodlines video for about four years now. ;) Before I Patreon'd, I offered to discuss it with you as the resident expert, and that offer still stands whenever you get to it.

John Newman

Trigun was the first anime I ever got into. I had always kinda thought anime wasn't worth my time when I was in middle achool. Naturally, I started watching it in high school bc a girl I liked was really into anime. Turned out I had been intentionally missing out on something amazing bc of my own snobbishness. Good stuff Hbomb.


this made me realise, ruby's weapon is a scythe, a tool for harvesting food? this doesn't seem to be explored in RWBY AT ALL that like she uses something designed for agricultural work as a weapon? Like there's something cool to explore there but just?


hopefully you watch a version where the subtitles don't melt into the stark desert. I know some Japanese, not all the Japanese


I’m kinda sad you didn’t keep this segment in, I think it really illustrates how characterization outside of just character design is important but I can see why you cut it, it’d be cool to see you do a review this series but there’s just not much to say outside of how good it is. Can’t wait for the prequel review though!


i haven't seen trigun since it first came out - i can't remember exactly, but i think i might have had a bootleg subtitled dvd set from ebay circa 2001? - and man, i'm kind of fascinated to see how it would land for me almost 20 years later


Would be really swell to see a lil video on New Vegas, the 10th anniversary coming up shortly.


very grateful you kept the content around for us to see, it's short but it's got a huge component to it that I've been digging at in my own work (people, often men, being transformed into weapons) your commentary about the disfigurement and jarring imagery is really onto something


Well... now we need a Trigun video too. At this rate, I'm never going to get that VTMB video out of him.


I'm not going to lie, I would love to see you talk about Paw Patrol and how it's copaganda + the effect that shows like this have on on society and current political discourse


You said the words, now I have to start another playthrough.


He's made multiple foreshadowing references to that in the last few months and I hope it pays off with an actual video, so, same.


Still dying for a NITW video. The game is close enough to my heart that it’s worth any wait.


Love this video but I agree with cutting it. Thanks for sharing <3


As a big fan of Trigun (it was one of the first anime I got into) I love this digression.


Another thought on Trigun is that the name implies a lot of planning. The "tri" part implies three. Three guns. But at the start of the show, we only ever see Vash with the revolver. So what are the other two guns? It can't be referring to guns that other people use because there are hundreds of those. Then we get to the bit in your video and we see that Vash has a second, bigger, badder gun. So does that mean there's a third, even bigger and badder gun? To me, the name of the show makes me wonder if the creators had planned all the hole in the moon plot right back at the start.


Wow, I never realized how much I needed the 'touted as badass, turns out to be a pacifist buffoon'-character in my life, until now...I guess I'm watching Trigun


If the options include a new Vegas video, the dreaded prequels video, and maybe the deus ex one, I’d be happy. But on a scope question, maybe it’s best to stop referring to other videos you plan to do in your videos? There’s stuff you’ve hinted at over the years or overtly said you’re planning to do and when it never happens it leads to loads of people still expecting it. In the long term it makes it harder to get excited about potential videos because there are so many on the back burner or pitched as ideas that how do we know whether to actually get excited? For example is the response video to the response to your fallout 3 video still on the market, or is that now a joke in the pathologic video without a punchline? Sorry if this comes across as mean but as someone who’s been watching since 2015 it’s something I’ve noticed a few times is all. Btw the Kat Lo impression was the best joke of this video and I am now sad it didn’t make the final cut.


Now I feel a strong need for more Trigun content from hbomb.


I gotta admit I've heard of Trigun like I knew it was a series, but that was about it I had no idea what the main character or the actual plot were like so I never formed an interest in the show. So thanks for sharing this section cause you actually made a good comparison that helped me understand the point better and also I'm gonna add Trigun to my list of things to watch (I gotta at least finish Soul Eater first though)


I know it will probably involve a lot of hard work and take months to complete but I believe now is the perfect time to make your Anti-Vaxxer response video. With W.H.O stating Covid could take two years to defeat, Anti-Vaxxers pose a huge threat to the safety and survival of thousands of innocent lives (particularly those with weaker immune systems who, despite following all the correct procedures, still face a high risk of dying a slow painful death because they were briefly exposed to one selfish Anti-Vaxxer arsehole). I feel like the video you'd make on the subject would provide all of us with the perfect arguments/talking points to lobby against anyone who claims people should have freedom to deny vaccinating themselves/their children (which is something we all need right now if we ever want to end this pandemic)


Harry, you included the song as... *squints* Adobe Audition file? Can you PLEASE share it as an honest-to-god MP3 file?


A 2 and a half hour video sounds awesome. No joke, you've made such an engaging argument that I wouldn't mind more of it. But I'm also one of those weirdos who saw MovieBob's over 3 hour take on why Batman V Superman was terrible and Clement's 3 and a half hour video on the failures of Sonic The Hedgehog 2006 (and also the one good thing about the game, music was really good, as Sonic games tend to be).


That video you did on the True Detective opening was really good too!


We’ve been thinking about this one a lot. I think a big challenge is figuring out how to scope such an all-encompassing issue with so many equally important angles in a video that is 45 minutes or less (and that will take less than two months to make.. high aspirations here). It also involves not just researching and collecting data once we’ve scoped it, but how to communicate arguments that are meaningful and impactful themselves (especially to those outside of the choir). It’s a lot! We’ll try!!


I can't stop thinking about 2:40 did.....did you plan to make that aside a visual IRL gag in advance in the script (which shows how much you actually plan ahead your "fake/intentional" screw-ups in your cathartic style or do you actually video record yourself doing voice-over lines. either option creates to many internal conflicts.

J. Francis

Interestingly, you hit on why I didn't like Trigun in this. When I tried watching it 15 or so years ago, I was quite young, and was put off by the silliness of Vash. He looked like a cool badass—at that age, I would have preferred a generic character like that. I should go back and give the show another chance—I suspect I'd appreciate it more as an adult.


That was great. Sad it was so short. Thinking of making a longer trigun video?


this just tells me that you should make a video about why trigun rocks


I remember going into Trigun expecting it to be a series of badass fights, and I was kind of bored by that idea, so I put off watching it for a long time. I didn't expect it to make me cry 3 times, the depth of the show really caught me off guard in the best way possible. That's why it's one of my faves, I really should re-watch it sometime


Now I just want a video about Trigun lgl.


Man, now I want some donuts.




Now do Trigun. Please???????????


I was pretty sure I could sense from the original video that you wanted to say "she's got a cool outfit and gun, that's as deep as it gets". probably speaks to the efficiency of the script that that was evident, without this section being included.


This was honestly such a great little bit about Trigun it's worthy of its own video.


wow, i might watch trigun now


Trigun is so good, a video just focused on it would be phenomenal.


Dunno if it's been mentioned, but I love(d) the implications of Vash's machine gun arm. Every time Vash was cornered and had to peacefully try to de-escalate the situation (re: nearly every episode prior), he didn't have to. He'd been armed (ugh) the entire time and could easily have resolved those conflicts, but chose to be true to his morals instead. His dedication to pacifism is all the more potent upon learning that not only was he skilled enough to have won any of those fights, but that he was equipped to do so if he wanted.


I love trigun, I am happy you brought it up/


God I miss Trigun.


I feel like this would have really added to the video, but given editing preferences it is really hard to justify that extra 5 minutes.


Yesss I love trigun so much, vash is a brilliant character

Katana King

Stopped back in here to say- I just started reading Trigun Maximum (which starts halfway through the show when Vash has been living as Eriks for two years) and I just read the entire first volume in one sitting. It is fantastic so far and I can't believe there are 13 more volumes of this. So stoked to read the rest

Katana King



Man now I wanna rewatch Trigun


I would love a Trigun review tbh, it’s always been my favourite show and manga of all time. Also said trans rights way before most other anime, at least in the Manga. Elendira ❤️


Trigun is great. I still don't see the appeal of RWBY even in it's "fun" action scenes. I've never been a fan of 3D animation but how overtop the action is in the show makes it almost slapstick. It's kinda like what what you would come up with playing with your Bionicles as a kid or something.


Hbomb, I kind of felt like you’d enjoy Trigun, and now I just adore you even more. Full video one day...? Love and peace! 🤞


Full Trigun video please? D:


please make a video about this. this was fucking amazing

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-05 21:42:49 Would absolutely love to see a video enthusing about Trigun <3
2021-12-30 00:04:06 Would absolutely love to see a video enthusing about Trigun <3

Would absolutely love to see a video enthusing about Trigun <3