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Hey it's really up! For everyone! Go watch it!

Thanks for sticking with me through this nightmare. There were some delays because of dealing with copyright, and also some animation needed rewriting and copious reworking, and there was quite a lot of re-editing based on your feedback. Thanks so much to everyone who left some really useful notes and thoughts about the three (wow, three) patron drafts of the video, it really helped make this thing as good as I could make it. Of course now we'll discover something really obvious we all missed and the video will be worthless, but at least we all missed it together. And that's the power of community!

Please check out Tantacrul's video about the music he made for the video here!

Stay tuned for some extra stuff related to RWBY. The Monty animation video is partially done, and much shorter so it's easier to handle, and after that the poll for the next video is coming!

In a patron post soon I'll post the stuff I commissioned for the video - the song, and the various art assets (steppy.png needs to be out there)


RWBY Is Disappointing, And Here's Why

I love books. My Twitter: https://twitter.com/hbomberguy My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Hbomb My YouTube: Click on my name. What are you doing Featuring animation by: Max Lebled: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1umWYFZdqOrKuhR0ALig5A GreatDictator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucFx1Nyptp9FbLqOg8bk7g Fancy OP music by: Tantacrul: https://www.youtube.com/user/martinthekearykid Check out his video about it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O83ir7z2EfM


Shelby Fawn

I’m so excited to watch the final cut! and happy for you that this is off your shoulders.


Whoot!! Time to get learnt!!


It‘s time to defend the prequels now


Really great work HBomb, so glad that I decided to join your patreon. I’m unemployed and struggling at the moment and your videos really help me get through it. Keep up the great work and thank you for the brilliant content you create ☺️


Poll for the next video? Uh, excuse me Mr Harris B'guy, but I believe I and several others signed up for the video series defending the star wars prequels!


Congratulations for getting it out the door, it sounds like it was a bit of a nightmare. What was the reason for the animation segments, out of interest? Were they a practical alternative to filming because of the plague, or a pre-planned artistic choice?


I have never watched rwby and i never will. But will probably watch this multiple times.


give us the steppy hbomb


Wasn't there also a bunch of content you had to trim out of the script about Trigun? 👁️👁️ I sure would like love and peace

Blue Delliquanti

Hey man, congrats on the finished version! My partner and I sat down to watch the original Patreon version and it encouraged her to sit down and watch the entirely of ATLA between then and now. Thanks for the thoughtful analysis as always!


So because it seems like my comment got eaten: RWBY seems like what would happen if a straight man who doesnt understand anime tried to make Noelle Stevenson's she ra. Like, same general concept of a show heavily inspired by Avatar and various anime centering a cast primarilly of women and where one of the four main characters is a cat girl. Luckily Noelle Stevenson understood why Utena was genius.


By the way revolutionary girl utena is genius and here's why is a good video concept to include in a poll.


^hard second revolutionary girl utena analysis for the future! although that might best be left to the lesbians at Empty Movement (a great resource for any utena fans here looking to scratch that itch). I wonder if you'd be cool to make the NITW vid now that some time has passed, there's really nothing good out there that I've been able to find. Anyway, good with whatever, honestly! I love learning about stuff like Pathologic which I'd never heard about and stuff like RWBY which I didn't wanna touch with an 8 foot pole, cuz it expands my knowledge of...stuff out there. So thanks for doing the lord's work!!!!


Just as great a video the 2nd time through as the first, great job on this on Hbomb! I'm not sure if this is in your plans, but I'd personally love if you did some extra side video diving into the whole Copyright/Claiming brouhaha on this one, maybe even the some of the copyright logic you mentioned discussing with lawyers if that stuff isn't too sensitive. It all is just so fascinating with me all the strange little things you have to do to not get a critical analysis work nuked worldwide


I thought it worked well, machinima about a machinima-inspired series.


Really appreciate getting to see the video early, but also in draft form, to get a sense of everything that changed/moved around. I never tried watching Red vs Blue, and it actually has me questioning my reality because I thought it came out way earlier (when i was in college instead of years after) than it actually did.


I hope you washed away the taste of Bleach by reading One Piece. A series, where setups are actually followed up on even years later and amazing world building. It also has a racism plot line. It starts with a group of a minority race, which sees them self as superior, are monster to innocent human people. But at least there are just an independent pirate crew. Later we see an arc revolving around this race, racism, the circle of hate and fascism. The strongest statement is the main villain answering the question, what happened to him, that he hates humans so much, with: "Nothing. Nobody did anything to me." . Making him just the embodiment of the already existing racism in there community. (Sadly the arc is a little weaker in comparison to other parts of the story. I think, it may have be the spacing or the involvement of the main charterers. )


I really enjoyed the video! and think it was a very good deep dive into "why" of RWBY. i mean i watched it twice you (and all the wonderful producers, animators, and collaborators) must be doing something right. I just give up on the show, RWBY, recently. I really couldn't put my finger on why, but his really gave me some idea as of why. well at least for the broad problems that carry through the whole series. Also the FNDM is...is...well i don't envy the text walls you're going to get for even the most mild parts of the video. Regardless, great video cant wait for the next one, Shin Godzilla is genius and here's why, coming in 2023


P R E Q U E L S , and here's why.


I assume he hasn't actually said anything about Shin Godzilla but uh man I really wish he would now


Loved the video, as always. Just want to let you know that if by any chance you plan on doing a video about Bleach (manga or anime) I'm 100% in.


Favourite art piece in this video: "I'm not drawing that."


Secret godzilla fans unite!


I chatted with the lawyers about paying them to go into more depth about the details of how they make decisions about what is likely to be judged as fair use (even when this whole this is definitively fair use in spirit). If we make this video, we’re pulling in a v cool person at the EFF who has been fighting to stop copyright from effectively transforming into content ID globally (which is happening with the increased reliance on algorithms to detect and enforce copyright). Seems like it could be a fun video.


I want to preface this with the fact that I have been watching your stuff since the Davis Aurini days and do generally find your takes thoughtful, but I am gonna have to disagree on a lot here. RWBY is definitely a show with tons of flaws. The White Fang plot line is awful as is anything with racism in RWBY. It sucks. There's no defending it. I won't. However I will say that as someone who was once a teenage girl, I like the huge variety of women and teenage girls RWBY depicts. There's some definite problems in early volumes with it, but I think that those characters are allowed to have flaws and depth in a way many female characters aren't. I also hear that you consider this to be a lot like Korra and Avatar generally derivative. I would say that, while there are similar beats to a lot of things that came before it, I think it's also accurate to say that ATLA especially is a pretty basic hero's journey that shares beats with a ton of other stories. Tropes aren't inherently bad. For me personally, ATLA but in a quasi sci fi future with magic would be fine. As a woman, old show but starring women and LGBT rep is good and satisfying. I am a woman and like to watch women kick ass. It's hard to find anime that isn't awful when it comes to women. RWBY is that for me. Is Utena better? Yeah. Is She Ra better? Yep. Do I still like my dumb trope-filled pseudo-anime filled with complex and varied female characters I rarely get to see depicted in one show? Definitely. Also... RWBY has an extremely dedicated hatedom. It's not quite so bad as Twilight or whatever, but I beg you as a person and a creator I like to maybe think about why you picked this and Sherlock, to make vids about. One is a show famed and mocked for its squealing female fanbase, and RWBY which has a cast of teenage girls and is mocked by a lot of people in a misogynistic way. Do I think you're a misogynist? No! I just think it's common in nerd spaces to mock "girly" things or things directed at girls. I think it worries me when you defend the value of Lovecraft and the Prequels, but bash less "serious" works like RWBY and Sherlock. Idk. I do love your work man. I just hope you'll ask the question.


Absolutely stellar video!


One final point, sorry. I get that the show wasn't what you dreamed of when you saw the Red Trailer, but as someone who started it in 2018 without any expectations, and without seeing the trailer, my experience was pretty positive, and I generally like the later volumes better. The faunus stuff is definitely worse, but the rest of the story works for me. I especially enjoyed the anti-authoritarian and anti military tone of Volume 7. It can be hard for an American show to critique militarism and nationalism that looks very similar to our own. They did. I liked it. To each their own.


Well, I'm 1h 46m in and all I can think is "why hasn't he just called it 'cargo cult writing?"" That is literally the term for people who take the surface level details of a thing without understanding why or how it works.


The term cargo cult has some really unfortunate racialized uses, and one of the creators was a person of color. He's being racially competent about staying in his lane as a white person. Which is hard as shit. Props.


did you actually watch the video? Also I'm pretty sure you're not the demographic that the faunus stuff would be hitting the hardest.

Anarch Ion

I'm hesitant to watch this out of fear that it'll ruin RWBY for me. *sigh*


I still struggle to explain One Piece to people who aren't already fans. I mean, it's _silly_ most of the time right? And asking anyone to invest the time I've invested over what took me literally decades of investment is just bizarre. But it's a goofyserious epic that's been so high quality and lasted so long that it's hard to put into words: it just keeps doing shonen stuff year after year, but so well, and with such charm and creativity. But then, I'm primarily a manga reader, rather than an anime watcher. There's some overlap (in that some of us do both), but I think there's a huge split in people's appreciations for these sorts of series when it comes to how they consumed them. Spending a decade reading a little bit of a story over decades is just so different from binging a series.


The animated segment looked amazing, I loved all the callbacks in the crowd!


"And there is good faith criticism out there, so stepping over them to point at bad faith criticisms to complain about how they're not helpful means that functionally all you're doing is rewarding shitty people with time and attention you then don't spend engaging with the people who make the decent criticisms of your work." *Picture of Worf, a character from the Star Trek franchise* Are you... can I imply you're saying something about multiple groups of creators?


If you don't make another video this long again I dunno what I'll do with myself.


the worf picture was a funny picture i had on my hard drive


Having now watched the video (late, obviously) I didn't see the Equalists mentioned as the clear source for the White Fangs - even to the point that their fundamentally correct stance has to be shown as The Bad Guys for no good reason other than plot contrivance.


Glad to see it out in the world! (I miss the increasingly garbled versions of "most powerful weapon", that was somehow hilarious to me)


Congrats on 600k subs


Great watch! I think maybe for a Measured Response video you should do a measured response to Coronavirus conspiracies. I think you’d have some good thoughts to share on that!


I can't speak to their actual intentions but it isn't avatar all the way down - it seems partly cribbed from his dark materials. hdm features Dust as a major plot point, a particle linked with people and their activity. and in hdm, it's called Dust (vs dust) because of some bible verse so like cool I can see rwby taking inspiration from the same bible verse.... but the "fittingly called dust" bit is highly reminiscent of hdm excuse me for being WEEKS late to the fucking party here. I've thought this since you put out this vid but I was like "eh don't be ridiculous" BUT ALSO I wouldn't be surprised if that's where the hack writers' inspiration for dust came from


You should use the Harris 3D model and VTUBE....just sayin...

Lexi Aniston

keep going always..


Hey Harris. I subscribed today and just wanted to comment here to explain why I did, because I feel like incredibly thoughtful video critiques deserve some thoughtful praise. I've watched your videos for a few years (since the DK stream), and I've really enjoyed them, but it wasn't until I watched the RWBY video that I felt I needed to subscribe. I put off watching the RWBY video because I have no real interest in anime, and a detailed critique of an anime series that I had heard was poor didn't seem like something I could justify 2 and a half hours on, but I had a bit of time in the past couple days, and since the only recent video of yours I hadn't watched was RWBY, I thought I'd give it a go. The critique you gave of the show was specific and directed, but it also applies really valuable lessons about storytelling that are applicable and interesting even if you have no interest in RWBY or even the anime medium. That sort of criticism; that can draw in an audience through humour and insight and make very useful points to anyone interested in stories; is rare, and I felt it should be supported. So thanks for the work, and I look forward to the next video, even if it's on a subject I have no interest in.