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This week was a little slow, but graphics work can be like that. We've nearly finished two more backgrounds, and the photoshoot on the first Friday is coming along nicely!

I'm particularly happy with how the background in Nina's room is coming along. Here's a sketch I did of it that I then pixeled over.

And here's how it currently looks (not quite finished yet):

You might notice a cute character on a poster! You can also see there's a figurine of her on the shelf! I actually got a little carried away designing her. She's the main character of Carol and Nina's favorite anime: Secret Sorceress!

I like to think that's her signature pose, like she's telling you a secret while raising her wand.

I also started on the background for Carol's room. (still not final)

It's really only used on day zero when she wakes up, so I wanted to put emphasis on the sunset feeling. It's a little bit empty looking right now, though... I think that may be because I didn't do a sketch before I started on it. I'll be doing that first from here on out.


Sunday: Added early music loading and playing music in specific rooms.

Monday: Fixed inputs not working right in the bios menu. Made text centering work for real this time. (Dakk)Progress on Carol pinup.

Wednesday: Started on background for Nina's room. (Dakk)Made lots of progress on second Carol pinup.

Thursday: Worked on Nina's room background.

Friday: Worked on and mostly finished Carol's room background.

Sunday: Made break room background offset higher up and adjusted it some.


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