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This was a busy week for me personally, so not a lot of stuff got done. It's just like that in indie dev sometimes! So this week I'm going to release February's monthly build. It was getting a bit late in the month anyway.

The biggest thing I did this week was try to tweak text centering to actually look good. It almost works, but it's not quite perfect yet. 

I also bought an official Korg M1 VST for making better sounding music. It's super exciting to play with and I can't wait to see what all it can do.


Monday: (Dakk)Made Carol blushing emote. Added all of Carol's emotes to the game.

Tuesday: Busy.

Wednesday: Added day 6.

Thursday: Tweaked day 6 some. Worked on new menu song and played around with new music tools.

Friday: Worked on text centering code.


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