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This week was pretty much all about the backgrounds, but I also added in a really nice multiple picture montage display for the cutscene engine. It'll be used in the photoshoot as well as maybe in a few other places. Placeholder blank boxes for now.

They can be positioned anywhere on screen and can zoom in from any direction! Pretty nifty!

Also, here are the two backgrounds we finished this week: Nina's room and Carol's room!

Don't they look great? Dakk has really done a wonderful job with all the little details!


Monday: Worked on Carol room background. (Dakk)Finished Nina room background. Tweaked word wrapping some.

Tuesday: Polishing text formatting more. Fixed menu control locking.

Wednesday: Added early support for multiple pictures showing up at once in a cutscene. Started on photoshoot stage background. (Dakk)Finished Carol room background.

Thursday: Polished picture montages. Optimized cutscene drawing a bit. Tweaked word wrapping some more. (Dakk)Worked on photoshoot background.

Friday: Made placeholders for casual outfit portraits. (Dakk)Worked on Photoshoot background.


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