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Ladies and gentlemen and all other assorted genders that tumblr wants me to recognise as legitimate....  If you scroll down a few posts you will notice a reference to a particular video, well I can safely say it is done. Now the sex scene is only 1/4 of the video for which I apologize however...  I'm going to admit something to you, I've NEVER put in 100% with the sounds in the videos. I got to the point where I'd say about 60/70% of my full power regarding sounds was put into them. I decided however for this one that, well...I wondered to myself "What would an Apocrypha Video sound like if I put 100% into the sounds?"  Well my latest video does just that! I put...gotta be somewhere between 80% - 100% in the sounds of this thing and wow does it stand out, at least in my opinion! But don't just take my word for it, have a look and listen!  

Or maybe not, maybe it's just a little improvement.

Link: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5a2ea437d4018

Comments welcome.  :-)  

P.S. May take a while to convert the video on the website, please do check back frequently.

P.P.S. Dragonfire I thank you for your constructive criticism and I've chosen different moans for the characters, keep things fresh and interesting!