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No thats not a pun folks. You all remember the pledge price increases scheduled for the 18th?

Yeah I certainly do I've gone down from the 60's down to the lower end of the 50's in amount of patrons because of it. Also maybe because a certain holiday is coming up but then what is X-mas really about if not to be jolly and charitable?

Anyway guess what? No I'm not doing a video with Xala's booty in, Patreon has decided to actually listen! My word roll out the drums! Thats right folks check this link out:


They will NOT be changing anything on the 18th, everything is as it was before.

I understand some of you have left because of this, from a personal standpoint instead of leaving entirely the option just to go for $1 is available. :-)

Anyway, thought I'd relay this to everyone.


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