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I guess with the new patreon changes it was inevitable, I've lost 3 maybe 4 patrons now. One of them has been with me since the beginning.

Don't worry I no longer take it personally or get upset, I know a lot of you can't afford the charity now you have to pay more with patreons policies.

I'm looking into alternative sites and I've found:



I may make a profile on those but I'll still keep this one. Patreon is either strangling us or won't develop the big bollocks to tell the money companies to F**k off and find an alternative, which considering they are based in San Daly California doesn't surprise me. The most liberal lefty nut job state in the US that has made it illegal not to use someones correct personal pronouns [I personally identify as a helicopter gunship and my personal pronouns are Xe, Xim and Xis, anyone who doesn't like me can suck my T.O.W. Missile] and has changed the laws of deliberately infecting someone with HIV from a felony to a misdemeanour....Yep. Oh dear.



Remember, my first paycheck from here was $16 before fees. I'm going to say something which a lot of people could take wrong:


I wouldn't have kept doing my videos and starting making a story game for $16 if money was my aim. I want to create, I want to see my little thought child grow up, I want after I'm long gone something that remains long afterwards. So I'LL KEEP GOING, I WILL FINISH THIS NO MATTER WHAT!

It's not that I'm not grateful for your money, I am. But really the fact that I got to meet you all was the better thing, I met a Danish boy who loves computer programming, I met a Russian Historian, I met a Swedish guy who sold his farm for the woman he loved and moved to the city, I met a guy from Idaho University who wouldn't speak to me, I met a good old country girl from Kentucky.

You all have lives, stories. each of you went to school, you had your first kisses and romantic partners, you found places to live, work, met so many people in your lives and if even for a brief moment my story interlinked with yours, it's those dramatic and momentous parts of your lives that you all shared with me. It's more than just videos, it's more than just the game, it's more than just me, it's more than just your individual donation...

It's about us. Together, for a moment of time I made people here and those who have left happy, and that my friends....

Is without price.

- Apo.




I wont abandon you :-)

Sash Mayo

just promise to keep up the good work


Takk du minn Svensk venn, du er fagr og sterkr. eigi godt venn hefa. [My knowledge of Scandinavian languages has come on a little since we last spoke]


Following you for a while. Now a patron!