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Welcome to this week’s progress report.

Finalized the rock models for the game.
Started the overhaul of caves in the pillar region.

Save game system is pretty much done, only some loose ends need to be tied up.
Switching to POV camera in sex will always face forward now and remain in POV when switching to another character.
Added event listeners to Lua, enabling you to automatically execute functions when a certain event is dispatched (Documentation).
Added Lua functions to access the last parameter that was used to execute the current code (Documentation).
All events can now be assigned a button for quick testing and ease of use.

Continued work on Mud, Maya’s curly hairstyle and several more outfits for the story mode.

Finished some eccentric tier animation requests. Continued to work on mocap polishing and started implementing polished mocap data for NPC routines.
Implemented some first raw mocap data into the cutscenes.
Worked on the to do list for cutscenes and started creating some meshes for the intro cutscenes.

Completed list of missing Quest, Dialog, and AI Features for code.
Started improvements on Sex Minigame (button logic) and preparing List of Sex Minigame To-Do points regarding camera and flow.
Started restructuring data of Sex Minigames so multiple scenes for the same pairing are possible.
Worked on Adûn Quarry level blockout.
Dressed the NPCs with their new, game-ready outfits where already available.
Planned the first iteration of facial expressions during dialogue.
Finished the 'Market Rivalry' quest in Apoc.

Thank you for all your continued support,

-Wild Life Team




It wasn't really on my personal wishlist but seeing all the kerpali clothing in the last few posts have actually gotten me super stoked, keep up the great work!


Can you make the characters' voices a little different, louder?