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Welcome to the first progress report of december.

We are getting ready for the December release and plan to get the $25 version out by next Friday. Here is what's been happening at the studio:

Worked on the larger Pillar Region caves.
Started to implement the new Adûn architecture blockout design and work on its modular kit.

Finished save game system.
Worked on some features for our internal dialogue tools.
Improved Sex Pairing Filtering and using the "Add all" button only adds all currently filtered animations now.
Implemented a "Mesh merger", which can combine multiple prototype props into one user mesh for performance and for decluttering the outliner.

Progressing with various different outfit models. Finished curly hairstyle for Maya.

Implemented various motion-capture animations such as dances, bathing and showering for Maya into the Engine.
Implemented a bunch of other polished mo-caps for NPC routines (things like spear fishing, stone sculpting, spear training, etc.)
Assisted Game Design with ongoing task of making the existing minigames more consistent in how they control.

Added 3 new quests for Maya in Apoc.
Added dialogues for Maya in Apoc with Rad, Fingers, Chakkar and Skeet.
Ongoing design of the “Gulhragg's Harem” story.
Working on a minor quest logic problem.
Iterating some sections of the inner Adûn dungeon.
Sex minigame optimization.

Thank you for all your continued support,

-Wild Life Team


Wild Life Mocap Dance Animation Showcase

A little preview of the different dance animations from the motion capture shoot we made last year. We have now added them to the Wild Life Sandbox. https://www.patreon.com/adeptussteve



The dance animation looks good! Character model and cloth physics look nice too!

Matt Mox

Well, to be honest I’m kinda worried the game isn’t going to include any sense of choices that would effect how the world sees you the player. For instance, if the player has a choice to either play the game as a slut or be pure. But each choice should affect the player. Sleep with too many npc’s and the game recognizes your promiscuity. People start to see you only as a person who has no self respect. Easily taking advantage of your choices to sway the outcome of future interactions. Just seems fairy tale like from what I’ve seen so far. “Go help this person”, get an attraction point, help them again and get another until you reach their level of affection before you bed them. Do favors for this npc, get hearts. What if I found a dirty little secret from one of the scientists. Something that could ultimately lead to her getting fired/arrested. I could then use that to get what I want. Things that push the boundaries are what makes a game stand out. I don’t know if you will end up implementing a choice between Max or Maya. But I have a feeling that the majority of people will choose Maya as most people prefer to see their female characters in compromising positions. You have the ability to implement toys, but the only ones I’ve see the player use is the dildo. Do you plan on putting in BDSM toys? Would love to see Maya in a pair of platform high heels instead of the flats you try to pass off as acceptable for the “Black Dress” outfit. You implement muscle movements while dancing, which is very spot on. Looks real and applaud your efforts. Would look just as amazing if the character was in a pair of sexy heels, twirling around a pole. I would suggest looking on Loverslab at different mods people have created for Skyrim or Fallout series games. Skyrim- Fall of the Dragonborn, sex attributes, skimpy armor, FO4 - sexual harassment, beggar whore. Which I would recommend having the ability for creators to implement their own custom interaction mods so we the community can choose how the game can be played. Someone may want to play as a goody two shoes, very vanilla. Another may want furry only. I personally like the idea of the villain being the victor against the female protagonist. That’s always been my thing.


I don't care about ANY of this, I just want smooth animations and as many positions, variations, couplings/pairings, and contextual story elements that add to the scene without language. I like to feel the intensity of the moment and leave my imagination to fill in the gaps. I am more focused on how polished the scenes are and NOT AT ALL about character development. In my opinion, when the game developer wants to create a story it is very easy to get bogged down in all the minutia. For example, the Max/Frank shower scene is rather well done, though when the action stops for the characters to say corny lines that are outside the scope of how those two characters would realistically behave in that scenario. A steamy shower fuck between soldiers happens all the time, but usually very little is said because DISCRETION and PRIVACY are important in that scene. The passion is definitely shown right up until I am taken out by the dialogue.