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Welcome to this week’s progress report 🙂


Continued work on story mode performance optimization. Further improved the blockouts of Adûn.


Started implementing the save game system for the story mode.

Made more progress on the custom UI layer by adding various helpful events, adding more elements like size boxes and progress bars and improving the general workflow by hiding unnecessary options in certain conditions. When using multiple UI Layer objects, you can now specify the draw order to make sure that certain UI Elements are always in front or behind others.

Improved the performance of the Custom Material Editor


Started work on Queen Zenti (we will keep her identity shrouded in mystery because that's how it will be in the game too).

Several outfits have been finished and added to the game and plenty more are making good progress.

Started work on a curly hair style for Maya.


Maya x Drakon minigame complete on the animation front, going into engine implementation next. Mocap data polishing is making good progress too. This week we also recorded some additional mocap for various cutscenes.


Progressed on the blockout for the research facility research lab.

Finished the basic implementation of the entire main story quest line.

Thank you for all your continued support,

-Wild Life Team




Im having issues with texture no matter what i download its the same, is anyone having this issue?, im paying the 10$ tier which ive paid for before and it was working fine think its a recent problem. Thanks :)


Those 3 concept outfit models should be characters as well


Any plans for bestiality?