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Young Justice 3x14

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWgRbgxBXBY

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-2/ (pg. 7)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x7

Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRrm9rEx80Y

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy/ (pg. 13)

Angel 3x7

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/angel-uncuts-only-ea/ (pg. 6)




Re: Buffy being better than Angel. I saw a Top Ten Vampire Series list recently and Angel ranked higher than Buffy. I think Buffy is a more organic show in terms of the plot and character arcs over the seven seasons, but Angel has some standout moments and more of a superhero vibe.


🎼grr ARGH 🎵


Interesting, I feel like Buffy has way more of a superhero vibe personally, she and her friends keep getting more powerful (Willow just casually becoming gargantuan mega witch for example, obviously with consequences now but still) and it's kind of a show about empowerment in general. Plus the escalating big bads and the solution to them generally being punching the hell out of them. Whereas Angel is more of a murky show about the grey areas, demons being able to be neutral or good and how they exist in the world, the main villain so far is a law firm that you can't just punch and most of the team apart from Angel are pretty much just humans who just about manage to contribute in a fight. Personally the way I see the two shows, both of which I enjoy very much, is that Buffy has some individual higher highs like the silent episode, the singing episode, the dream episode and then Season 3 is also ridiculously good, no bad episodes at all but there are also large stretches I find quite hard to watch for various reasons. Whereas Angel I think is just quite consistently very good for most of its run (I very much enjoy the season a lot of people vehemently hate though, so I know I'm an outlier in that regard at least).

Christine Ester

There is a Drag queen parady of Once more with feeling out there on Oasis presents that is hilarious. Has a few spoilers though season 6