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Hello everyone!

Here's The Hungry House. Before that, though... a preamble! Feel free to skip the below and get straight to the game if you like. It's clearly marked and shouldn't take much scrolling to find.


First of all, I'd like to apologize that I've been a little quiet this month. I'm not going to go into it too much (because I'll ramble more about it in the beginning of September post coming at the beginning of September) but as satisfying and rewarding as making games in the new engine is it's also much more time-consuming and exhausting. For the entirety of the month I've been working on nothing but this and I haven't had the time to really focus on anything else.

On the 20th of August I had to recompile the project to fix a couple of bugs, so I can't give everyone a total time for how long it's been worked on this month. However, here's how long the project has been open since then:

So, in the past ten days, I have worked 120 hours on this. This isn't going into the hundreds of hours that were spent before the 20th. This isn't meant to be a brag, more proof that there really hasn't been a lot of time for anything else... and that I'm quite exhausted, even if it was a very fulfilling thing to do. I am also not complaining... really, I'm extremely grateful I had the ability to spend so much time on it.

I would say that this is roughly 40% of the final game. My original plan was to get the other 60% ready by the end of September, but I think with how intensive this has been on me I might end up pushing it into the middle of October so that I can make time to work on things other than this.

The good thing is that the content is wrote... it just needs to be implemented and programmed. I don't want to go into too much detail about the content coming next month, but... I will say that there will be a cock vore scene, a paw worship scene, and lots of soul vore stuff, as well as some new areas to explore and some new puzzles to engage in. There will also be more oral vore, anal vore, and unbirth content too.

I don't want another extremely quiet month though where I'm doing nothing but programming. There are a lot of stories that I want and need to finish too. At the same time, though, I'd rather not drag the development of this game out for too long because I'm eager to get back to work on A Tiny Furry v1.3 as well.

We'll see. I'll be in a better position to think about it all after a little sleep.

With all of that being said, though... creating games in the new engine is absolutely the future for me, even if it takes longer, even if it's more exhausting, even if it takes more out of me. The results are worth it. I have never been more proud of anything I've made than what I am uploading today. I am so excited to share it with everyone, so excited for you all to play it, and so excited for you all to see what this new engine can do for my content. I'm also incredibly excited for future games beyond The Hungry House.

Even if you weren't a fan of the original The Hungry House, I encourage you to give this a shot. I don't think it'll make you a fan of the game if you weren't already, but I do think that it'll show you that the new engine holds lots of exciting possibilities for content you will be a fan of.

Anyway... without further ado... here's the result of a lot of work. I have never been prouder to upload something here, so I'm going to stop talking about it and get on with it. Here is...

One evening, you find yourself driving through a lonely forest. You're not sure how you got here, where you're driving to, or where the forest you're within even is, but...

... regardless, you are on the move. Going somewhere. Anywhere. Unfortunately, the beat-up old wreck that you're driving sputters to a halt beside a decrepit little log cabin. The place is creepy, ominous, and clearly abandoned, but with night rapidly approaching, you see no other choice but to take shelter within.


What is this game?

It's a vore horror text adventure, or, perhaps, a vorror text adventure. The game is heavily tied to the concept of soul vore, but it also contains regular vore scenes too.

What are the system requirements?

In terms of Windows, basically none. From my tests I can say it'll run on basically any computer from the last ten or so years.

In terms of Android, I'm not sure. Your mileage may vary, but it runs perfectly fine on my absolutely awful budget phone that's about three years old.

How do I install it on my phone?

You'll have to allow unauthorised APKs to be installed. This varies on device, so hit up Google or your search engine of choice if you're not sure how to do it.

When you install it, your phone will tell you it's a suspicious file, but that's not because it's actually suspicious, it just means that it's not registered to the Google Play Store. I can promise you that it won't do anything fishy to your phone.

How much content is in the game right now?

There are three vore scenes - oral vore, anal vore, and unbirth - as well as a whole bunch of areas to explore and story to experience. The vore scenes themselves are pretty chunky and long and they also feature vore sounds from the wonderful CuttleScuttle which makes them especially immersive.

It really depends on how fast you read and get through things, but if you're going at a reasonable pace I'd say there's roughly an hourish of game here, more if you want to enjoy the vore scenes several times and mess around with a few variables. As has become a standard feature for my stuff now, all of the vore scenes can easily be hit up from the main menu, too, so it's nice and easy to get to your favorite scene.

How much content will be in the game come the final(ish) release in September?

There will be around another nine scenes added to the game, making the game have a total of twelve. There will also be a bunch more areas to explore and story content to experience and multiple endings and whole sorts of stuff. I can't say more without spoiling things, but this portion is really just the beginning of the game!

Unless something changes, your save data will carry over to the final release next month, so don't feel like you have to wait. What's in the game right now is mostly feature complete with very little gaps. It's really more of a demo or something like that than a beta.

The upcoming scenes will feature more oral vore, unbirth, and anal vore. There will also be some scenes dedicated more intensely to soul vore. There will also be a cock vore scene and some good ol' fashioned paw worship stuff.

Is this like jumpscare horror?

Nah, it's more psychological. You don't have to be worried about loud sounds screaming out of your speakers or high-intensity gameplay or anything like that.

Who's the predator?

Kyobi. Or Hart. Depends on how you look at it, depends on how you feel about it, but it's a female cross fox kitsune who is very whimsical and has a tail brimming with souls.

Will there be other predators in the final game?

Yes. There will be at least one more predator. Without getting into too many specifics, he'll be male. Because, hey, we have to keep things balanced, right? They will have a handful of scenes.

How do I save the game?

The game will autosave your progress. There aren't dedicated save files or anything like that, but it might be something I add in the future.

How do I quit the game?

This is something I forgot about until I was writing this post. If you're not on the main menu you'll just have to hit ALT + F4 or whatever. I'll make sure there's a proper quit button next month, but in the grand scheme of things it's not a huge deal.

I think that's it!

The game should be bug-free, but if you do encounter anything, let me know in the comments.

I'm going to take this weekend off to recharge my batteries, but I'll be back on Monday to let everyone know my plans for September, October, and probably the rest of the year too since we're firmly in the last quarter of it now. How time flies, huh?

I've said both of these things many, many times, but I've never been happier or more proud to say them. First, thank you all so much for supporting me and nurturing me into the kind of creator that I am today. Everything I do wouldn't exist without all of you, and I certainly wouldn't have the time or money to learn as much about programming as I have this year if it weren't for your support. It's real simple - without you guys, this amazing version of The Hungry House simply wouldn't exist. I promise everyone that I'll continue to work on myself so I can keep making better and better things.

The second thing I want to say is... well, a very simple happy playing! You've earned it. I'll see you all after the weekend...



Very excited for your future projects with the new engine!


God still love this, nice work kyo ~ To see the game in a whole new engine with sounds and all, gives it a completely different feel. Love the autosave, love the UI, love the whole concept of tail hell X3 Nicely done! And yeah, Keep it up! stuff looks good with the new engine. Might be a heckton of work, but def worth it. Can't wait to see what else you brew up~