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August Bonus Poll - Gabriel's Sciency Scene

  • Pest Removal (Oral Vore) 13
  • Undiscovered Species (Sizeplay) 31
  • Lab Assistant (Anal Vore) 25
  • 2023-08-24
  • —2023-08-31
  • 69 votes
{'title': "August Bonus Poll - Gabriel's Sciency Scene", 'choices': [{'text': 'Pest Removal (Oral Vore)', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Undiscovered Species (Sizeplay)', 'votes': 31}, {'text': 'Lab Assistant (Anal Vore)', 'votes': 25}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 31, 16, 51, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 24, 15, 53, 48, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 69}


Hello everyone! 

It's bonus poll time. Let's get right into it, shall we? 

Gabriel was the clear winner of this month's first round, which means he'll be getting a scene added to the game. What kinda scene? Well, that's for this here poll to figure out!

Just in case you've forgotten what Gabriel is all about - he is a brand new character, after all - here's the synopsis that I posted with his poll.

Gabriel Babin is Claire's younger brother. He's in his late twenties. He's a young and athletic sort of type - skinny, the sort of build of a long distance runner might have.

Like his older sister, Gabriel works at the college. Specifically, he's a tutor that specializes in quite a few topics - mostly mathematics and science. He's a clever and reliable guy - a lot more confident than his sister - but, with that confidence comes a little... coldness. Claire is everyone's favorite teacher - but Gabriel is not everyone's favorite tutor. He can sometimes come across as more than a little arrogant.

Since unaware was the focus of last month's poll - because Sophie is really just too nice of a red panda to eat you on purpose - the scenes on offer for Gabriel here will be aware. I figure this'll work out well with his personality type. He's a cold and analytical sort, so... he'd probably either see you as a pest or as something neat to experiment upon.

The root of the idea here is that a little crack in the wall is going to be added somewhere in the college. Possibly on the East Wing since the West Wing is getting a lot of content this patch... anyway, this crack in the wall will take you into Gabriel's lab or classroom or office or whatever you want to call it. From there he will discover you pretty rapidly. 

These ideas are all themed around what he thinks you are. For example... does he think you're an insect? Or does he think you're a shrunken student? Something in between, perhaps? 

Anyway! Here are the ideas that I came up with.


Pest Removal (Oral Vore)

Gabriel believes that you are nothing more than an annoying little bug that's squirmed into his lab. Luckily, he forgot to pack a snack this morning and he's feeling a little peckish, so... you'll do!

This will be a pretty graphic scene that focuses on you getting digested. It'll also feature an endoscope! I've been a fan of these recently and I wanted to do a scene involving one, so... at some point, the wolf is going to realise that you're a person rather than a bug... but rather than help you, he's just going to slide an endoscope down his throat so he can get a better look at you. He won't help you though... because at that point, it'll be a little too late to do anything other than watch you melt.


Undiscovered Species (Sizeplay)

Gabriel spots you squirming into his lab and he does notice that you're not an insect... but he doesn't realize that you're a student. Instead, he thinks that you're some kind of strange new species and he'll scoop you up like you're some kind of bizarre new discovery! What does that mean? Well...

... nothing good. It means that you'll be pinned down to a board like a science experiment. It means that you'll be studied and toyed with and poked and prodded in inappropriate places. Of course, while he does this, you'll be telling him that you're not a weird alien species... but he'll be too busy talking to himself to listen to you.

I'm not sure exactly what sorta sizeplay this ending will involve - I'll do whatever feels natural when I'm writing it - but I do want to say that it won't feature any form of dissection or anything bloody. In fact, this ending will probably be non-fatal... just not in a very good way. To give a rough idea of what it might feature, though - things like him doing 'stress tests' on you with his paws, or drooling onto you to see if you can breathe 'underwater', or trapping you underneath his massive balls so that he can see if you can aroused... you know, that sorta stuff.


Lab Assistant (Anal Vore)

Gabriel spots you squirming into his lab and he does recognise you as a shrunken student. Only thing is he figures you're the student lab assistant that volunteered to help him today. Of course, you're not - and you try to tell him that you're actually shrunk and in need of help - but Gabriel isn't really much of a listener. So... even though you really don't want to... you'll soon be scurrying around the lab in an attempt to help him. Maybe if you do it for long enough then he'll respect you enough to listen to you.

Of course, you're actually a terrible lab assistant. You either horrendously fail or simply cannot do what Gabriel asks of you. It's not your fault - you're really small -  and you really are trying to do your best, but... the giant wolf doesn't care. Not only are you useless, you're annoying and you're breaking things. Rather than just order you out of his lab, though, he figures you can do something good for him. You're small enough to go up his ass, after all - small enough to at least stimulate his prostate and make his work a little less tedious.

Will he let you out after he's done? Will you even survive that long? Who knows? Well... you will, if this ending wins the poll!


That's it! 

You can vote for as many of these as you like. Poll ends on the 31st of August!

I personally adore all of these ideas, and I'm very much looking forward to writing some content for Gabriel regardless of what wins. The last science-type character that I wrote for the game was Edelbert and that was... years ago.

It was tempting to have a scene that involved Claire somehow but I decided against it. She might make an appearance in any of these endings - a small one, nothing major, more a cameo really - but in the end I'd like this scene to be about Gabriel. There are already a ton of scenes featuring Claire after all, and I'd like to introduce her brother properly.

I need to get back to working on The Hungry House so that I can get the first version of that posted up at the end of the month! I'm not sure exactly when I'll be posting it (sometime before the 31st of August, obviously) but you can expect it in the next week. I'm hoping to get it up sometime before right at the end of the month, but... we'll see! I'm super eager to show it to everyone.

Until then, happy voting!


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