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Hello everyone!

Don't worry, I'm not planning on sleeping all September. Nor am I suggesting that you should do such a thing. The reason I'm calling this post Sleepy September is...

The Dentist, The Ear Infection & A Very Snotty Fox

... well, it's more in reference to my absence at the beginning of the month than anything. Before I get into anything too juicy I'd like to let everyone know what was going on as well as apologize for the ol' start of the month post being a little late this month.

So! Back on the 30th of last month (when I posted The Hungry House) I had been to the dentist that afternoon. Not for any major surgery or anything serious. Without going into too much detail - because it's not all that interesting - I hadn't been to the dentist for a while because it's kinda sorta hard to afford it when you're an independent writer and all that. When I say that I hadn't been for a while I mean that I hadn't been for about four years. While my teeth weren't falling out of my face or anything, they were rather dirty and in desperate need of a checkup, so I went back in July and ended up booking an appointment to have my teeth scrubbed in August.

So my teeth were given a very vigorous scrub with all of the fun implements that the dentist has. Y'know, water pick, weird hooks, etc, etc. This was fine, really. They'd squirted a bunch of Novocaine into my face so I couldn't feel a thing, and I'm not particularly afraid of the dentist in the first place, so it was really just a whatever.

The problem was the day afterward when I got a real nasty ear infection. My theory is that all the dentistry must have woken up some serious gremlins in my ear or something - they really drag your jaw around while they're cleaning your teeth - so, basically, I was down for a few days because there was a stabbing pain in my ear and I felt completely and utterly gross. I'm pretty sure that I had a fucking cold too because the sheer amount of snot...

... anyway. What I'm trying to say is that I was sick. Not tremendously sick, but quite sick. Had I pushed myself really hard I could have kept working, but I figured that it would be best for me to recover and catch up on some sleep. Take a break and rest so that I can be my best self this month, because... I'll need to be, honestly!

So, yep! That's what happened. Apologies for the slow start to the month! The good news, though? I'm feeling super charged and ready to tackle everything that I have planned this month! So... let's get into it! Enough dentist and sick chatter. Let's talk about content.

The Hungry House

First of all, thank you for all of the lovely feedback that I've had on the game so far! A lot of people seemed to really enjoy it, which is always super duper encouraging, especially when it's something new. Even if it is a port, after all, there's going to be a fair amount of new content and on top of that it's in an entirely new engine, so I was nervous that there might be a whole ton of problems and bugs and all kinds of things. Thanks to all of the hard work I did, though, everything went smoothly! It's a nice feeling.

My initial plan was to finish it this month, but when I posted the update I said that I was going to rethink this and possibly extend development over this month and the next rather than trying to get everything done in September. I've decided to go ahead with this - as in, the final release of the game will be in October rather than September. My aim is still to get most of the content in. If the game is at 40% completion right now then I'd like it to be 80% done by the end of the month, which means that I won't need to spend all of October getting the final few pieces done.

So, to go over the new plan briefly:

- Release an almost complete version at the end of September
- Release the final version around the middle of October
- Release the paid or retail version or whatever you want to call it on itch.io at the end of October - on Halloween!

In terms of new content, the build coming at the end of September is going to have some new areas to explore... some of which weren't in the original game! It'll also be adding a bunch of new scenes. I'm talking oral vore, I'm talking unbirth, I'm talking anal vore, I'm talking cock vore, and, fuck it, I'm also talking soul vore. These will also come with sound effects and backgrounds and a ton of juicy words and... yup!

The final version in October will add another scene or two - soul vore stuff, mostly - but it'll mostly be about tying up any loose ends, putting some final polish on all of the games animations, adding a few secrets to the game, a couple of quality of life features... as well as adding a proper ending to the whole thing. Basically, making everything shine and completing it.

I have still not really decided what price I will be launching the game at on itch.io. I'm not sure whether to charge $3 or $5, but I will be charging something. However, if you are a Patron here in October, you will receive the game completely for free. Like with the launch of A Tiny Furry In A Huge World Plus, everyone who is a Patron in the month of October will receive a key that will allow you to claim the game for free.

Anyway! By giving myself a bit more time, I'll be able to get the game primped and polished and up to the standard that I want it to be. On top of that, I won't need to rush so much and spend 120 hours in ten days getting everything ready - so, nice.

I'm also planning on using this extra time to deviate a little and work on the last couple of commissions I have to do. Let's talk about those a little!


Since I'm not going to be killing myself with The Hungry House this month I'm going to be spending some time on getting a couple of long-awaited stories finished. This will mean that I should have an empty queue by Novemberish, which would be really nice, because I've been wanting to have an empty queue like... all year. It'll be nice to go into 2024 with a bunch of clear spaces for new projects.

As always, I don't like to give too many details to avoid disappointing people - myself, mostly - but I do expect that there will be two or three stories to be posted up throughout the month. They are pretty exciting ones... if I say so myself... so, expect some juicy stuff in terms of commission/story content!

A Very Special Announcement + The Most Important Poll Of The Year

Or, the most important poll of the year for me, probably.

I don't want to go into too much detail (because that's what the announcement is about) but what I will say is that this announcement/poll is going to be all about what game I'll be making after I'm done with The Hungry House come October. Aside from A Tiny Furry In A Huge World v1.3 - which will be the focus for the rest of the year after The Hungry House is done.

It will be a brand new game... as in, it won't be a port. In terms of Game Maker stuff all I've really done so far is ports, so I'm eager to make something new that explores more of the new possibilities that the engine offers me.

This doesn't mean that A Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest won't be on the table - it will be - but it does mean that it won't be a simple port/redux version of what was in development in Quest.

If this doesn't make sense, don't worry! All going well I'll be making the announcement in the next couple of days, so there will be plenty more information very shortly.

There will not be the usual bonus poll ending this month. Sorry if this is a disappointment to anyone, but I'm a little behind on them and I don't want to add yet another thing to the pile. When I'm all caught up next month, though, the bonus poll will be back. I promise that this month's special poll will be more than exciting enough to make up for it, though.

In parting, I will say... thank you very much for participating in last month's poll! Gabriel was the winner as most of you know, and the scene that won was sizeplay! This bonus ending (along with Sophia's and a bunch of new gym stuff) will be added to the game in November when I'm done with The Hungry House things.  

That's it!

One more day of rest for me, and then I'm back to work this weekend! Games! Stories! Vore! Big guys! Little guys! My ears are clear, my nose is empty, my body is ready, my soul is charged!

I'll see you in a couple of days with that special announcement. Until then!



So you're saying I don't have to wake you up when september ends?


Glad you're feeling better and all went well. Was prob also your body saying 'Take a break', after crunching so hard for the whole last month XD Kinda hyped for the new project. Gamemaker is an awesome engine and gotta be fun to see what you cook up with hat o.o Keep going, stay healthy, and don't forget to take a break from time to time okay~