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  • 0044_SIEO_WIP_Render_Playblast_Hybrid_Feb15th.mp4
  • 0044_Basted_Otter_No_Sim_WIP.mp4



Stuff done this week, Animation.  Staying In Eating Out Pt 3, Basted otter

Staying In Eating Out Part 3, redid the looping animation at the end, retimed the lot, this week will be spent going through adding in details/variations to this section and some more camera movement. 

Basted Otter has had the new otter model added (+ required animation tweaks due to model change), added skin tension effects, extended and cleaned up existing animation I think it's done all that needs to happen now is for a layer of dynamics added + any manual tweaks that need doing and get it off to sim then rendering.

Side activity for this week as chosen by the Executive Producers is getting back to location creation, making the office, so lots of props being built textures made etc... 

Final edit: files were just downloading as '1' if you had a file like this renaming it to '[filename].mp4' will allow it to play, however after reuploading the files patreon seems to be working again.
Sorry for any trouble this may have caused, and feel free to redownload the files if you are not comfortable with renaming the ones you have 


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