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Well this has been an interesting week, nothing I intended to do got done and lots of stuff I hadn't touched in ages came into play.

It all started last Sunday evening after the progress report with me thinking 'I wonder if I can make a different type of junk' which progressed to 'and can I get everything built in to a single bit of geometry' and then 'well maybe some people won't like the new type of junk, how easily would it be to have both a 'classic' version (based on the tiger sculpt I showed off) and offer this version as an alternative and be able to blend between the two with a simple control' and then 'why not look at the general fur color whilst we are here'  then 'well I've been wanting to do better grooming once I got the mesh "done"' followed by 'well it seems if I do 'this' it should allow for a far easier way to transfer grooms' (and it did) Then it was, well I could leave this half finished and start doing some work on the animation, or I could get this finished up, get some beauty shots done and have some nice content to show off in the progress report.

So here we are. (I also got here via a few days where headaches turned into poor sleep that I think subconsciously caused me to choose something less mentally intensive than animation)

A lot of the things I've done this week are either far deeper explorations of tools than I've done before (the fur) or getting back to do work with stuff I've not done in ages (texturing) and (along with the headache/sleepiness) so if anything is a little rough around the edges I'm sorry, this is a first pass and things will improve. 

Please let me know what you think of the new fox fluff, color and junk design. and if the general consensus is people liking it at some point each character will get this style of make over. ^_^

As for the coming week, I've rolled over the Executive Producer vote from last week and this week will be getting on with both more work on the animation and the bosses office location creation. (and for clarity the old version of the fox will still being used in the current animation)  

(FYI all alt versions of the junk are labeled, alt is 100% and alt_2 is 50/50 as some may find that version more aesthetically pleasing.)
