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  • 0037-Staying_In_Eating_Out_Part_3_WIP_Playblast.mp4
  • 0037-basted_otter_wip.mp4



What's been going on this week? Basting Otters, polishing and blocking SIEO part 3.

(Small note for anyone that's new, Work In Progress playblasts are captures of the viewport and will vary in completeness from almost done to very early blocking out. Animation goes through multiple iterations as I work out and refine ideas before it's complete enough to go off for rendering so bear that in mind when lookin at any WIP attachments, :)

Blocking/Polishing animation, the start of cam 3 has been refined, more camera movement added, blocking in camera 4 has begun and a seated position that will show off the bulge nicely and having some tummy rubs and nuzzles <3 that will get expanded on. Camera angles now show off everything nicer but the transitions feel more jerky, will look to smooth them over either with editing fades or adding in a short interstitial cuts to a different angle.

Basting an otter takes more time than I thought, what started off as a small quick demo for the new fluid sim setup has become a bit of a major project in itself, turns out animating 3 characters and syncing up a simulation takes a bit of time. I've included a few stills and a playblast to show where I'm at so far animation wise. This will keep having work done to it as this side activity has been chosen again. Also something new I tried out this week, I've included a stereoscopic shot otter's eye view, load it up in a VR viewer of your choice and let me know what you think. ^_^ 

Work for the coming week is going to be polishing up cameras 1 and 2 of SIEO pt 3 so they can start to be rendered, as Basted Otter has been chosen again by the Executive Producers  I'll be looking to take the otter out of rough blocking finish up polishing the animation and hopefully start rendering before next Sunday. 

The situation with activities right now is a tricky one, the main and side activities (from a purely work standpoint) are identical, so as I told the Executive Producers after Basted Otter is completed I'm changing up how things are going to be done. Should it happen again that the main and side activity are  the same task (i.e. animation) the voted activity will replace the main activity for the week and the runner up will become the side activity. Why is this? because side activities were conceived as a way that I could keep working even after spending multiple hours on a single activity in a day, 'A change is as good as a rest' only works if the activities are different. Again this will come into effect after Basted Otter is completed. I want people to be fully aware of this change in advance before it gets implemented.




Looking good!