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  • 0036-Staying_in_eating_out_wip_playblast_29_nov.mp4



Stuff done this week, more work on the new 'Bosses Office' location and further animation work on Staying In Eating Out Part 3

Designing the new office has been a rather fun activity and because I've settled on a classic penthouse office with art deco trimmings it means a lot of curvy 'streamlined' furniture which is something I've never really tackled before. This is still work in progress (the texture work was a very quick 'get something on to show off the work' rather than an in-depth lookdev session.) and I've got some more ideas an a large reference folder of furniture and props to build and texture to fill the space. 

Staying in Eating Out part 3. I've been refining what is already there and trying to cut it together into a nice cadence. Still not quite sure on the camera movements but it's getting better. Have included a viewport playblast cut of where things are at so far, as always this is early work in progress work that will go through several iterations before it's ready for rendering.  

personal note the week got off to a bumpy start after having the scan I mentioned in last weeks progress report (thankfully everything was normal) it took till Tuesday evening before I got my brain back in gear, so I've not been as active with work over the end of last week/start of this week as I would have liked. sorry :/ (it's the reason this report is so late in the day, I've been working on things right up till posting to try to make some time back) 

This coming week I'll be continuing the work on Staying In Eating Out Part 3, the side activity as chosen by the Executive Producers is continuing work on the 'Basted otter' animation hopefully I'll have the animation and simulation done by next Sunday (and if that all comes together quickly there might even be time for a render before Sunday)




I'm liking how the office is coming along and the picture is adorable as always! Hope you are starting to feel better after the doctor's appointment!


Thank you ^_^ I'm now back to where I was before the scan, the mild pain is still there (had it for months) so now I get to wait till they call me in for a different scan >.<