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We've got more RA. 

There's fresh art in the Hottie gallery, but it's real spoilery so maybe don't click until you're a good ways in.

More to come.



It's nice to see folks reconciling in healthy and functional ways!


I mean, not *these two*, but... others, I assume. In the world. Somewhere. Probably. Good lord, was this one a rollercoaster. I thought we were on an Only Good Things upward trajectory for at least a little bit, and then you give me Casey's overdose and traumatic/romantic hospital sex. Even the first shower fight activated less anxiety in this reader, which is I assume what we're going for here? You were very effective at creating tension! Holy shit, were you effective! Not really the hottest chapter for me (I don't... love the Casey-fucking), but I very much enjoyed the verbal sparring of the Vickie/Spencer scenes (it is only fair to post whether or not a gazebo is for everyone's use), and I like seeing Decisive RA Spencer utilized in a non-sex mystery capacity. It's nice to be reminded that he's of actual, real use to the women of Higgins 3 beyond lusting over and/or creating life-long regrets. Excellent chapter! Please don't get darker than this! Thanks!