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Been a little under the weather the past few days, which is the only reason I slowed. We're back with chapter 6! You'll be glad to know you'll be allowed to breathe a little easier this chapter, I promise. Casey's gonna be OK. I mean, aside from the Spencer effect, but reasonable people can disagree as to whether that's "OK" or not. (Casey votes firmly for OK-ness.) There's also fresh art in the Hotties gallery, because why not?

More to come.



You know what? Spencer *is* a very good boy.


He's also a refreshingly self-aware boy, who is willing to indulge brief fantasies of shipping off troublesome students in order to have a more willing harem, or to maintain discipline through sexual dominance. We are a long way from Spencer threatening to quit before taking control, that's for sure. It makes for a hot chapter of sexually-adventurous sympathy, as Spencer reconciles his way through the previously-distant Hotties by indulging their need to be owned by him. He's a very good boy for going along with this! Thanks for another fun chapter!


I love how your characters, like Tori or Canon, just get in their own way of fun. It's very human, as opposed to the good ol' when i snap my fingers.


Somehow I imagine red collar vigilantes spiking ppl's drink, wait for self-implosion, and convert. Spencer becoming almost as Tori accused him, by deeds if not by intention. Whichever way you take this, I'm waiting with my schadenfreude goggle.


Should include a picture of the girls look like with the hotties t shirt and the new choker


Oh man, hard agree. I should be able to get the fit correct, but the major thing the AI is still really bad at is words, letters and symbols. Still, I'll see if I can't get something close!