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Hey all,

It's insane how many new faces we have around here!  I've recently got a ton of questions about the update so I wanted to do a brief post to all the new people and remind some of you about the way updates go. This will hopefully help with smoothing out the launch day so here's a list of things to keep in mind.

Please read the headings to see which ones apply to you and this will hopefully cut down on the number of questions/problems we get when we launch.

What Day is the Update?

I'm still hoping for this weekend. Hopefully Saturday United States time but there's no definites on that right now. Still working out a few things and tomorrow will be another busy day. As soon as it's ready, I'm going to upload and launch it. In a perfect world, I'd love to do Saturday morning US time.

Where/ How do I download the Update?

When the update drops, there will be a Patreon post with download links in it. In order to see this link, you'll have to be in the $5 tier or above to unlock it. If you're in the $1 tier, you won't see the post notification. We'll also do a post on the Discord as well as a tweet regarding the new update. Also, don't forget you have to unzip the file for it to work. 

Don't Use Old Saves!!

Please don't try and load your old save from v0.19.5 or before. Honestly, your best bet is to just delete your old copy of the game completely and start over with the fresh download of v.20. Old saves won't work and will crash the game. You need to start a New Game then follow the red letters that say update. It will drop you at the beginning of Chapter 10.

If you see a error screen that says something "isn't defined" in it, that means you used an old save.

Which Download Link Should I use?

Right now I have download links planned for Google Drive, Mega, and MediaFire. However, Google Drive only has limited downloads so I really want to encourage people to be nice and only use that one if the others aren't working or are super slow. For example, MediaFire is usually best for anyone in the United States but many of our European supporters have seen excessively slow download speeds from MediaFire so others should then look at Mega then Google Drive as a Last Resort. If things get crazy on update day and links are crashing because of high volumes, we'll look at doing other uploads just to get through the initial rush. I'll work with you as best I can; just communicate with me and be patient. Don't forget I'm trying to accommodate the entire world here so it can get hectic.

Discord Rules

For those who are on the Discord, please keep any discussion for v.20 in the v.20 spoiler chat that we will make. We'll also make a separate bugs chat for v.20 so that we're not crowding the update chat with instances of me misspelling "embarrassing" again for the 200th time. This will also keep people from posting potential spoilers in the public Bugs Chat.

If you have Problems...

Obviously, I've launched a lot of updates before (19 in fact, lol) but every update is different and I can never fully anticipate the number of people that will try to download. Each time has been excessively more so please be patient. If you've donated, you deserve to get your copy and I want to work with you. If you have problems, please reply on the post itself or hop on Discord or DM me here on Patreon if you want privacy (Patreon DM will probably be the slowest because the notification system here at Patreon isn't very quick but I'll be checking). When I do updates, I'm fully prepared to be online doing tech support and damage control for many hours. I don't take any breaks until I see multiple people already through the update smoothly. 



Never mind. I found it


Thank you