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HOTFIX: Attached are two files (script.rpy and options.rpy) that will upgrade you from v20.4 to v20.5. Place both of these files in the /game directory and override the existing two files with the same name. This will quickly fix a game breaking bug that will prematurely  end the game at Chapter 9 and prevent you from going on to Chapter 10. I will be uploading a separate copy of the game for download that will have this fix included.

The time is nigh...

Alright, so enough ominous bullshit. After many months and some of the most challenging personal setbacks of my life, we have the next installment of Straight!? This is the first half of Chapter 10, which is confirmed to be the final chapter in the title. 

1. Please remember, only use the Google Drive link if the others are super slow for you, it's limited and I'd really like to save it for those with excessively slow downloads (some people in Europe try to use Mediafire and it takes like 10 hours...it's stupid). I prefer people to use the MediaFire link if possible but I know it's really slow for those not in the United States.

2. If you have problems, post below, DM me or holler in the Discord channel. If your download speed it stupid slow, post below. I will be on Discord and checking the website ready to problem solve and help people through the process.

3. Don't use old saves. Start a New Game and follow the red letters that say "Update."

4. The Android build will be a late upload. I wanna make sure that we don't have any glaring issues with the current build before I bother DarkAssassin with doing my Android Port. I'll update this post when it's ready.

5. Also please don't share, repost, or upload this version to other sites or torrents-- it doesn't help me. I will publicly post for free in 3 weeks.  Sharing early typically costs me thousands and degrades the budget for future updates.

PC:                Please see post here for updated download links

Mac:              Please see post here for updated download links

Android:          Attached here 



Terrence Powell

What a great chapter. I have many thoughts about what might come in the concluding part of the chapter but I won't discuss for fear of spoiling the first part for others.

Terrence Powell

Do you have thoughts about a follow up project? A look at one of the characters some time in the future perhaps? A totally new adventure? A well earned rest? :)


I think there's still enough ends to tie up in our final update that it'll hopefully be the final ride that we all need


I have some ideas so we'll see. I'm staying open because i think that's creatively the right thing to do. I'll go back and refine this game after the final update and hopefully add a lot of more stuff to it. But during that, i should have more time to start planning out other stuff if we go in that direction. However, one thing at a time. I would like to look towards the future but not compromise the present project, ya know? So i'm gonna strike that balance hopefully and i think during the revisions will be a good time to look at that stuff