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Hey all,

So I said I'd drop another note to confirm the release date when I got my head wrapped around things better. I meant to do it yesterday but ...

well... yesterday was a bad day.

Long story short: I was in the middle of rereads and editing when the power went out. It was out the entire day so I got zero progress done. So I came back later that evening when the power came back on and found my entire game code corrupted. Apparently the surge deleted my code back to the coffee shop scene in chapter 8 (so basically the last year and a half of the game was gone). Everything after that was just dots. 

So I was upset, walked away, and yelled terrible things.

Jordyn came to the rescue and helped me out later that night. Good news is, he was able to find a backup and got things working again and I think I only lost 2 minutes of data. The downside was that Jordyn was supposed to be doing CG edits so we wasted a lot of time restoring the code when we should have been focusing on finalizing pics. 

However, in talking with him today, he still feels like he's on schedule. He wants to get the final CGs to me sometime this week (most likely Wednesday or Thursday). If that goes according to plan, I'd have a final Dev copy out to send over to Blayke to look at while I continue to go through things over here.

I'm spending today going through the story again to try and reread, edit, and polish stuff (everything I was gonna do yesterday) and see how far I get. If that goes well, I'm hoping to drop the release on like Friday or Saturday but we'll see. I'll post out more info on the Discord or Twitter for quick updates. 

I do plan to do one more post just prior to the release to remind people of the downloads and etiquette with those downloads as well as remind people not to use old save files since we have a lot of new faces around here. 

Stay tuned.



Glad everything worked out. It's times like these when you see what a good team can accomplish! My best to you, Jordyn and Blayke for all the incredible work you do!!


Oh, that's brutal. Do you use anything like GitHub?


No specific backup stuff. I usually use a laptop for writing and coding so power outages don’t bother me and I can go mobile but my desktop is faster and I can multitask better at this stage with everything on one rig so I copied it over to the desktop and sure enough…. I’m gonna make some adjustments after this update drops. I always try and learn lessons and tighten up things for the next round


There's a bit of a learning curve, but I highly recommend using Git and GitHub. It's not strictly speaking a backup solution, but it is useful for that. It primarily lets you do version control. If you want to try something your not sure is going to work, it makes it very easy to revert. Or you can be working on multiple different parts, and keep that work segregated before you merge it all together. Also very useful for collaboration. It's indispensable for coding, but can also be used for writing. Basically MS Word's Track Changes on steroids.