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Hello Everyone

The big 50. How fitting that it will be 50% good and 50% bad. Let's get the bad out of the way. I will push the Patreon Demo release into April to join Game of Thrones and Avengers. Good company :) I could get there by pushing it to the limit but I would feel like it would still be lacking a lot of what I had envisioned for the release. As noted in the last post I will as always ask anyone who is in doubt to lower or pause the support for the month

To make up for this I will reveal a little about these 3 work tasks I have been talking about. 

Each task contains the following:

10+ Unique story events. (Not counting 30+ tasks and smaller events.)

Unique locations.

Unique character.

If I should guess I would say that progress is around:

Base demo content: 75% done. (Might add more events as deadline is moved.)

Work Task 1: 75%

Work Task 2: 80%

Work Task 3: 90%

That is all from me today. I will update as we move closer to the new release.

Have a lovely day




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