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Hello all

Something different to round off the month. There are two things that are somewhat connected that I wanted to talk about. The first came up when talking to the first person who found the hidden event in Hotel (as far as I know). 

When giving out the hints I mentioned it was a hidden task and the person seemed a bit let down by the result. I did not use the right word. It is a single event. A lore easter egg. It is a large boost for your stats in the later games but can feel anticlimactic in the moment given the amount of effort taken to get there. I will say that the Haven "task" is larger but is still just an event just to clarify and get that out of the way. I am sorry in advance to any future adventures who brave these paths and you should free to spam me with hate when you do encounter them :)

That brings me to making promises. I had to push the date this month due to biting off more then I could chew. In Haven I had a pretty good idea what should go into each release and how long it would take to create.  One of the design goals of Horizon was to add optional paths and I hit that hard from the start but that also meant creating a lot of content that you won't get to see at first. This added to creating the large amount of basic content needed for the game slightly broke my normal planning. 

I really hate to disappoint you all and that is also why I will also always warn you about any delays like this. I am currently doing doubletime and testing each day as I try to add the last events to make things flow. Less then 2 weeks. Just making sure not to overpromise this time.

Have lovely April



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