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Hello all

A quickfire update round.

I have set an estimated release date for the Demo and am working towards that goal while also spellchecking Haven towards the public release on March 1 (Together with feedback from Richard C.)  

I am back in full development mode. At least one event a day with whatever design, testing, image work and spellchecking is needed on the side. 

The beginning of Horizon is slightly story heavy at the moment as there is a lot for the player to wrap his head around and my next step is to inject some "fun" into the early game to lighten it up a little. Wink wink nudge nudge.

There won't be a Patron tier update as there isn't any change since last month, but I will update the rewards at later date in regards to Scene Stealer that is capped already for Horizon.

Design Diary will return now that the previews have ended and be Patron only as usual.

That was all for today.

Have a lovely weekend



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