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Dr. Liara T'soni is taking time out from studying the Protheans and instead is embarking on a complete diagnosis of the most deadly hunter in the galaxy - by copulating with her.

Liara's Asari friend was only too willing to assist her in this research, with the inherent Asari biotics proving more than adequete in subduing the hunter long enough to carry out the examination.

Deep plot that. 'Random Space Lady' sure was popular upon release both here and publicly, so why not do some more with her!

I didn't think I'd actually ever go back to posing anything involving Mass Effect, the last time I did was back when I was using Gmod I think - real long time ago.

Anyway, I'll throw out the links to the folders over email as always. The image here is censored for obvious reasons. I'll either start to edit this one or finish off the final panel with Samus in the Slave outfit.




Do you take commissions in general?


How much in general plus additional characters?


Just checking in to say a day has passed since this post and I have yet to receive a link. Feel free to disregard this message if you haven't actually sent them yet, though I hope you will do so soon.


What, really? I did send the links out already. I wonder if anyone else didnt receive them? hmmm


Just received your message. Thanks for the links, and for the swift response!


No thank you for letting me know about this flaw in the relationship manager. I'll make a post about this soon