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Hiya troops, that time again for some more inside scoop on what it is I've been up to!

Going to attach a couple of test images below of characters I've been working on/setting up over the last couple of days.

Tifa I've had loads of iterations/versions in VAM, this is probably the fourth time I've reworked her model. However I think shes nailed now, which you'll be able to see below.

That other test comparison image is of Midn* who is now available in VAM. I've been making some change to her model so she aligns more with her Hy*ule W*rrior's model face wise. I commissioned someone to make some new hair for her which is based on her original hair, that I have yet to test but its looking really good. Midn* was a character I never had the chance to use back in SFM but now, I'll hopefully be able to get the opportunity!

That final image included is of an Asari I was setting up recently, who is involved in an image I'm currently working on. Its a rather spicy image and I believe its going well, judging from the helpful critique I've gotten from a a buddy on Discord. I should hopefully have a wip to show you guys soon and I'll be able to share the Mega links when I do as usual.

Hope you're finding these little updates interesting if nothing else. I appreciate its nice to be kept in the loop so I should have started doing these a long time ago.

Anyway, I'll get back to the posing!   



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