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This episode was just so good 😭 I can’t he’s just like bongseok fr and yes DAMN HER PERSONALITY AND LOOKS ARE SO FINE ☠️


You could see them put frost on Doosik’s face too bc of the level of atmosphere they were at, incredible attention to detail


Sometime flashback episodes can feel like such a stall or a drag but this episode was just so pretty and compelling im so glad we got this


Oh you caught the files, Blaire! I would be a terrible agent, I totally missed those haha Loved the commentary at the end about their acting, PD! It's so good! It's probably why I got so attached to these characters. The love lines on this show are so beautiful. You're right, Doosik has such rizz and you can really see how he and Bongseok are similar in certain aspects. And the parents' arcs are truly the best part of the show for me!

Edward Lee

sunbae/hoobae isn't age dependent....it's just work level/experience dependent. It's not like calling him hyung


Dang, Blaire always comes up with such great metaphors.