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When ORBIT cried right after the game ended, it felt really insincere. He always played the “team guy” but then completely manipulated Yumi which went completely against what he said he would do in the beginning. Dongjoo stood by her decision and didn’t try like the “good guy”. I also agree that she was a bit mean after, but I liked that she realized she was not in the right at that moment. As someone who sometimes speaks without thinking, I related to her a bit.


Overall it’s just a fascinating show that always keeps me on my toes. I can never tell who I’ll like or hate the next episode.


Also, I really want to see Yeonwoo shine in the next game/episode. I find her really charming and want to see how a GO player would approach a tactically pointed game.


I cried so much rewatching this episode with you even though I knew what was going to happen... The show really took a turn for me from then on. Thank you again for your reaction 🙏


Feel so validated watching your guys reaction to that Dongjoo x Seewon scene, honestly out of the whole show that might have annoyed me the most. It's the way she says "Seewon wouldn't want to team up with me" knowing full well she's blocked her TWICE! She could have simply just been like "yeah idk i think both of us wouldn't be able to make an alliance" but she deliberately makes it only Seewon, and then you remember - she's a lawyer. Yes she noticed she was being childish, but she said she forget to "filter herself", which to me sounds like she still thinks she's in the right but she's mad she made herself look bad in that situation, not that she actually feels bad.


Honestly when she had her hair slicked back in jail....

Yuna Chon

Hi just wanting to recommend a show called Bloody Game season 2 (피의 게임) which is very similar to Devils Plan but with more complex and entertaining games. There are two seasons but I strongly recommend season 2! I hope you try watching this one as it really blew up in Korea and everybody on the cast is so intelligent and I really think you guys will enjoy it.


You guys are so right! If a woman is going to win one of these shows, they are going to need Dong joo's atitude. Cold as ice but self aware.


Watching so many reality competition shows I don’t think I can hate anyone, I have been disappointed or frustrated but these are always people in a high tense competition space that is not reflective of someone in real life Even when top players are knocked out it’s frustrating but it happens and I think I would’ve been more annoyed if I hadn’t watched other shows like Drag Race + All Stars where the people who we think “should” win are knocked out in early rounds but as long as the rules are abided by I can’t hate the things that go down, I personally don’t like it and couldn’t bring myself to play by it BUT I understand the fairness of eliminating the strong players to win bc you are still beating the best this way

Winter Rian ~

I love this show so much haha. And so far I'm definitely Team Seok jin and See won. The orbit alliance just rubs me the wrong way idk


This is the last episode i’ve seen when this was released and i’ll stop here again lol. Ngl I was just rooting on whatever team Seungkwan goes at first and the 2nd game made me dislike Dongjae and Seewon a little however this episode literally turn that 360 degrees. I always make sure to remind myself that this is just a game and ofcourse it’s only natural to be competitive and try to win but it’s a totally different thing when you’re trying to act like you want what’s the best for everyone and save them just to end up betraying them and act like you’re the victim here lol.


I know I'm late to the party, but personally I really like Dongjoo. She is just the right amount of ice cold and cunning for the games, but is still able to reflect and grow from her behavior/mistakes (which is something orbit hasn't really shown). She gives boss ass bitch vibes and I'm here for it. Ofcourse I'm also rooting for Ha Seokjin and Seungkwan! I have a feeling Seokjin will go far, as you said he has a really high EQ and is a great strategist. :)