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Everyone's always saying "Ian you better make a tutorial about modeling a bag of beans in Blender or I'll quit the patreon!" fiiiiine- I'll do it.   

This was the final detail of the coffee robot I posted a while back- probably over-modeled, but I don't end up regretting that much (since any asset that holds up usually ends up featured in some other shot)  

ALSO Jan made a fantastic 1-minute pillow tutorial for Blender Secrets a bit ago which I'm pretty sure introduced me to the whole idea of modeling bags via simulation. 


Makin a Bag o' Beans

Everyone's always saying "Ian you better make a tutorial about modeling a bag of beans in Blender or I'll quit the patreon!" FINE- I'll do it! This was the final detail of the coffee robot I posted a while back- probably over-modeled, but I don't end up regretting that much (since any asset that holds up usually ends up featured in some other shot) ALSO Jan made a fantastic 1-minute pillow tutorial a bit ago which I'm pretty sure introduced me to the whole idea of modeling bags via simulation: https://youtu.be/NfDm33rfHkU



Missed opportunity for ‘Making a big bad bag o’ beans’ (try to say it quickly :) )


thank you for spilling the beans about making the beans.


Yay I saw this on twitter! So good to have a breakdown


I am literally in the middle of doing a scene with those. Thank you Ian!


YOU are my hero lan!

Raffo VFX

Who is SO SHIT person to say "do that or I'll quit?" . Anyway I didnt know that you collaborated with Blender Secret. What a powerful team!!!


OH! No sorry I was doing a stupid joke because I figured nobody would actually want a tutorial about me modeling a bag of beans :P. And I love Blender Secret! But not so much a collab in this case as me inadvertently making a much longer version of his tutorial, haha


Love seeing your process Ian! So much info in all of these. I always struggle with clothing simulations in Blender it almost never works the way I'm thinking in my head and the settings never make sense to me. Started using Marvelous designer for everything cloth sim related and is very intuitive.


Interested to see you using the different scenes in the same blend file. I'm never quite sure when to use those, so I end up making different blend files for everything. Am I missing the benefit to that? Anyone have any thoughts on it?


Me: Patiently waiting for the next colour space tutorial. Ian: BAG OF BEANZ!!! But for real, great tutorial Ian. I learned a ton! Thx


The reason it looks like metal is you used the Glossy material which will cause it to reflect with the color you give it, but only metals do that, you should use the principled BSDF because it correctly reflects white, and makes the color the diffuse, which is how plastic looks. So unless you really wanted the metal look, Principled is the way to go.


Ayyy my first post as a new patron :D


So Im in quarantine right now and the bean song is what keeps me (in)sane


Radiohead Esq bag of beans song yesssss. Thanks so much Ian!


Amazing as always. Loved the Radiohead riff. Time to make some coffee.

Miko Dela

LET THE BEANS RAIN! Seriously though, this seems like an asset I didn't realize I needed :D


That was a close one. The bean gods are appeased.

Ian Letarte

intro sounds like the joker xD


I liked that fat ass cube


Beans Means...er... Coffee.


Now everything will have a starburst sticker on it, starbursts everywhere. No one will be able to read the labels. Madness !


I really hope that coffee didn't involve putting the prepackaged beans into a sock and then smashing it with a mallet (or rock)


Great idea and tutorial, I hope it's recyclable!


I love all of your humor! It makes the tutorials way more relatable since it's like you're saying everything I'm thinking lol


Wow I just watched a 30+ minute video on how to model a bag of beans and it’s probably the most entertaining video I have watched this year. I don’t know if that says something about me or something about Ian. But who cares. This was good stuff.


Hey Ian, great video! This is a nice GP tutorial to take a look at: https://youtu.be/NA3wZBC1Nvw It it's still difficult to switch to a GP workflow coming from mesh modelling to me. But mastering it would add so much.


Ahhhh... I need coffee now


Came for the tutorial, stayed for the song.


where's the patreon-tier for a full OKC cover album?


Oh they aren't at all. They're the worst. And apparently when they get in the ocean they look just like plankton so they cut open a beached whale recently and literally thousands of these things came pouring out it's an absolute nightmare.


it's very cool and very powerful how thoroughly you credit people for inspiration or tutorials. especially considering how many mid-sized youtubers just straight up recreate some of your patreon tutorials and post them as their own


I saw the butt looking cube Ian...... You can't hide for long!


lol this tutorial was hilarious man

Manuel Grewer

Now I want this coffee machine for my flat ... Fun tutorial Ian!


love the radiohead cover mid video, thanks


I love how fun you make these videos. My kids want to learn Blender simply because they hear the bonkers tunes when I’m watching your vids. 😂


Don't listen to Ian Bean man we all love you.


raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain doooooooooooooown